IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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When people discuss health and well-being, and the best route to achieve it, exercising is always the first thing that comes to mind. One of the most beneficial outcomes of sports is increasing physical and mental health. From my point of view, I completely agree, and in the following, I will elaborate in detail.
In recent years, as a result of major changes in our lifestyle, standards of life, and cultural norms , the role of parents has started to switch. As it is evident, the rate of stay-at-home dads is increasing, and mothers are taking responsibility as breadwinners of the family. The underlying reasons for this phenomenon could be the limited job opportunities, men losing their jobs, and also better employment circumstances for some women. I personally believe that it is not beneficial for men to stay at home permanently, and it is best not to switch the parental roles in the family. In the following, I will elaborate on the causes, and explain why I am against this idea.
In the modern era, people prefer to buy new things, rather than reuse the same ones, and the throwaway society is becoming prominent, however, it comes with some reasons and problems, which I will discuss in the following paragraphs.
Some see that children should have the ability to choose the subject that interests them, but there are people who disagree with them and they see that they should just study the basic required subjects, this essay will agree with the first opinion because people are when they studying the something that matters them.
Many people claim that modern devices like computers are used progressively and they are likely to replace teachers in the near future in terms of education.I oppose the view and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
In modern life, more people tend to eat junk foods which can create certain diseases in their bodies rather than healthy foods, however, they can save time by eating these meals which are made quickly and eaten, I will outline both arguments and argue why society prefers this.
In modern life, many people tend to eat junk foods, which can lead to various health issues, rather than opting for healthier foods. This is often because junk foods are quick to prepare and consume, saving time. I will outline both arguments and discuss why society might prefer this option.
In today's world, there is an increasing emphasis on acquiring practical skills rather than relying on knowledge from textbooks or other sources. While there are some drawbacks associated with this trend, I believe the main benefits are more substantial.
It is certainly true that in the past couple of years, the stress on school and university students has significantly increased and that they are being pushed to the extreme limits at a young age. I believe this leads to a positive development, which I have discussed below in detail.
There is an opinion that free public transportation should be provided by the governments in order to decrease traffic congestion. I firmly disagree with this idea for the following reasons.
Some countries spent an enormous amount of funds on space exploration . I do believe that it is a total waste of money and the governments should utilise those funds for the betterment of the nation and the people living in it by building infrastructure , providing free medical care and free education , rather than searching for aliens or another inhabitable planet
Big cities have been popular as a destination in recent years since they provide more healthcare services for people. One school of thought holds that the health of residents in urban areas is being affected negatively. While acknowledging the benefit of living in big cities, I would contend that it is dangerous to people’s health as a consequence of living in big cities.
In globalization, rules and laws are the basic foundation of the recent society. If it did not work, people were free to do whatever they wanted. Personally, I completely with this view.
In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether parents should choose leisure time activities for their children or not, with some people believing that children have to choose their own free time activities. In this essay, I will argue and explain my opinion about this topic.
Many nations are spending huge sums of revenue searching for oil , furthermore since fossil fuel reserves can dry out, it is more practical to invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar . This essay completely agrees with the option of searching for alternate sources of power ,the main reason being the continuous availability and the next is reduced environmental impacts.
There will always be two different opinions in the academic field on whether children should be able to select the subjects they are interested in, or if they should study the basic required subjects. It is true that learning something you really enjoy can sometimes yield better results compared to when you do something out of mere responsibility. However, this is not always guaranteed.
In the digital era, conducting online meetings and training sessions has been very popular due to several conveniences. There are both benefits and drawbacks to this ongoing trend.
Governments should spend money on other more comprehensive development rather than all on art. This essay will provide two faces, which fulfill the satisfaction of individuals.
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