IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, some argue that working for a large company is better than working for a small one. While individual preferences play a significant role in this decision, there are compelling reasons to consider employment with a larger organization. I believe that being employed by a large community offers significant advantages. In this essay, I will explain this issue.
It has been universally accepted that the problem of global hunger is escalating at an alarming rate. The issue is bringing a state of widespread distress among the masses and impacting the global economy as well. There are a plethora of reasons for this, and possible solutions can be suggested too, which are discussed as follows.
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, mass-produced goods have flooded the consumer market. Although such items have proved to be highly popular, it is now becoming increasingly clear that handmade goods are more desirable for modern, informed consumers. In this essay, I shall look at some of the ethical and quality-based reasons for re-evaluation.
Some argue that working in international settings offers experts expanded benefits and possibilities. Conversely, others believe remaining in one's native country is the better choice. I completely agree with the first mindset. Interacting with diverse international concepts and contexts can endow individuals with invaluable exposure to a wide range of perspectives. This, in turn, has the potential to significantly enhance their knowledge and understanding of the topics they have studied. The ability to consider multiple viewpoints and draw from a broader range of experiences can lead to more nuanced, well-rounded expertise. Furthermore, international engagement also offers unique access to diverse professional networks across the globe. Connecting with professionals worldwide can open up new avenues for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and career advancement. A prime example of these benefits occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic global collaboration and sharing of knowledge betw...
With the development of modern society, it is imperative to preserve our traditional ways of life as they offer cultural identity and cohesion. Schools and families play a crucial role in this preservation.
Modern developments in agriculture, such as factory farming and the creation of new types of fruits and vegetables through genetic modification, are supported by some people for their potential to enhance food production and security. However, others oppose these practices owing to concerns about health risks and environmental impact. This essay will discuss both perspectives and argue that, despite some drawbacks, the benefits of these agricultural advancements outweigh their disadvantages.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that more and more individuals prefer to acquire cultural knowledge of other countries through social media, decreasing a desire for adventure and observing in practice those areas. In my opinion, the primary source of this phenomenon is the financial condition of the community rather than the advent of new technologies.
There is a general consensus that positive thinking can help to overcome barriers. Some people believe that if a child is assured of success due to hard work, they will accomplish it. This essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this format of thought.
In this contemporary era, the ultimate solution to environmental issues has been widely discussed.While proponents hold the view that raising the fuel cost can tackle pollution problems, opponents have a diverse perspective. I am of the belief that raising individuals' awareness and implanting reasonable sources will be effective in addressing this dilemma. In the following paragraph, my point of view will be further discussed.
Some people argue that they should be entitled to retain all the money they earn without paying taxes to the state. However, I totally disagree with this view.
In contemporary society, a growing number of students opting to pursue education abroad has sparked a degree of controversy among the public. While there are certain benefits to this tendency, I would argue that they are eclipsed by the disadvantages.
In contemporary society, the question of what constitutes a great leader has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although there are individuals who have the inborn ability to be leaders, I would argue that leadership is something we need to learn.
In contemporary society, whether luck is the most crucial element contributing to a person's success or not has sparked a degree of controversy among scholars and individuals. Although I accept that fortune does have an important role in helping people reach their objectives, I would argue that hard work and determination are much more critical factors leading to the achievement of an individual.
It is commonly believed by many that the level of personal income is the most essential factor among those leading mortals to keep working. The writer, however, remains unconvinced by this school of thought since job satisfaction and a sense of appreciation are far more imperative components.
The migration of skilled professionals from poorer nations has been exacerbated. Nevertheless, this issue could be addressed by providing better educational programs and improved welfare.
It is commonly believed by many that the level of personal income is the most essential factor among those leading individuals to keep working. The writer, however, remains unconvinced by this school of thought since job satisfaction and a sense of appreciation are far more imperative components.
Many nations strive to enhance their citizens' quality of life by pursuing economic growth, though this often leads to the erosion of cherished social values. Despite these losses, the benefits of economic development significantly surpass the drawbacks.
It has been universally accepted that the problem of environmental degradation is escalating at an alarming rate. The problem is bringing a state of depression among the masses and impacting the economy as well. There are a plethora of reasons for the same and its possible solutions can be suggested too which are discussed as follows.
It is argued that more funds should be allocated to roads and motorways rather than to public shipping systems. I am in complete disagreement with this opinion.
Some claim that futuristic public transport will be able to carry the public over long distances without the presence of a driver. This essay will argue that the advantages of this shift outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first suggest that enhanced accessibility and improved safety are the two foremost benefits, and then demonstrate that its primary disadvantage, namely job displacement, is not valid.
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