IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Raising children has always been such a huge struggle for parents, and due to the significant changes in our lifestyle, parents are nowadays under a lot of pressure regarding this issue. In order to overcome this challenge, some people believe that parents should participate in parenting lessons, so that they gain the knowledge of raising a child. I completely agree with this point of view and in the following will elaborate on it.
Ever since mankind has put a step on earth, he has always been seeking new ways to promote his life. With all its ups and downs, human beings have improved the quality of life by producing innovative ideas. While these ideas are mostly targeting profit and economic growth, social and environmental activists believe that innovation should be in the direction of rectifying their concerns. I agree with the second opinion to some great extent. In the following, I will elaborate on both views and also discuss my own viewpoint.
Nowadays, numerous families in different areas still believe that relocating to an urban area is a better idea than living in a rural area. However, it might face many difficult challenges there. In my perspective, I completely agree with this statement for a variety of reasons.
Shopping is an essential part of our life. Large Shopping malls have been opened at a wide range resulting in the closure of some local markets. This action resulted in attracting a vast number of people towards the malls. In my opinion, I think this is a positive improvement for all the customers.
It is often controversial whether children should study the subjects of their interests as some people believe that learning the basic subjects is significant for the improvement of their academic performances. I support the latter view, for the basic understanding of the broad fields makes it more achievable for students to solve complex problems in the future regardless of the fact that studying an area of individual taste raises more motivation for learning.
Before the advent of the latest technologies, life was considered better than the present times. However, I believe that new technologies have improved our lives in some aspects, whereas, some negative impacts on the other parts of people's lives have been noticed.
Undoubtedly, changing the traditional school curriculum for the benefit of children has become a heated topic of discussion. Some people working in advanced industries have accentuated the need to bring some potential changes in the ongoing education system in order to meet the market requirements. They put forward a plethora of things like arts, sports, vocational training and a lot more that should be added to bring an avalanche of benefits. I agree that a new system is needed for an hour to benefit the global population. This essay will discuss the various positives to support the revolution of transforming the old structure.
One of the reasons we are experiencing more issues with the socioeconomic and ecological aspects of our lives is the exponential rise in population around the globe. Some people say that both developed and undeveloped nations suffer from it. In this essay, I will confirm these ideas by providing factual information, possible outcomes, and what we can do to change them.
These days, transportation is considered one of the most important things in countries. The portion of the budget of the urban system is higher than the rural system. This essay will discuss why and how can we solve it.
Can we play any game without a rulebook? Similarly can a country function without rules and regulations in place? Have you ever posed a question to yourself about what would your society look like in the absence of the boundaries laid by the rules? In my opinion, the importance of societal harmony outweighs the need for individual freedom and thus a society without laws cannot function efficiently.
Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Others think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these points of view and give your own opinion.
It is said that working or learning in a competitive environment is more beneficial, while others presume that people should engage in more collaborative activities. Generally, competition at work, school, or in daily life could help people improve themselves, whilst working as a team might widen a person’s horizons.
In recent times, it is argued that maintaining the same job throughout one's life is crucial, while others believe that individuals should seek different professions after a certain period. This essay examines both perspectives and argues that changing jobs after some time can be beneficial.
Currently, the proposal that all teenagers should be required to engage in unpaid work during their leisure time to support their local communities has been rising as a compelling case. In my opinion, this suggestion is legitimate for several reasons.
These days, many celebrities gain fame for their excessive wealth and lavish lifestyles rather than their work, setting a negative example for young people. In my perspective, there are indeed a plethora of such cases nowadays but this can be untrue for many others.
There are some people who believe that zoos are not a suitable place for wild animals, while others believe that zoos can provide considerable benefits to humanity.
Undoubtedly, human practices have been responsible for causing global warming problems on the planet. Reckless cutting of trees, proliferating pollution and much more are some of the potential reasons behind this concern. This essay will discuss the reasons and preventive approach to mitigate this concern in detail.
In the contemporary era, many folks believe that youths should volunteer in several sectors to improve society. This essay will suggest that assisting people and the obtainable experience are the primary merits, and then demonstrate that shortcomings include the lack of concentration in studying.
Schooling is a fundamental right of the population, regardless of their financial backgrounds wealthy or poor. This essay agrees with this statement and the reasons are explained below.
It is believed that precautions are always better than cure as they help people live healthy lives, and treatments are risky and expensive. I totally agree with the given statement, and spending little to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a wise decision for me.
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