IELTS General Writing Task 1 Samples

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Get ready for the IELTS test by using this collection of useful IELTS General Writing Task 1 practice samples. This collection is a great resource to help you gain knowledge and practice for the exam.

I am writing this letter regarding an important book, I need this book as soon as possible. The book's name is HTML Coding and the book's author is John Smith. I prefer e-books despite hard copies with the latest version. I request you, to send me this book by the end of this month.
I am writing to request the provision of bicycle parking at our building. I ride my bicycle to work daily as it is an eco-friendly and healthy mode of transportation. Unfortunately, the current bicycle parking situation is inadequate, leading to various issues.
I hope this letter finds you in best of your health. I am writing this letter to thank you for the job offer that you made to me. Being a close allie of yours, I know that how ambitious you are about the expansion plans of your travel company's business, especially in Europe. I know that you started this company ten years ago and your travel agency offers budget holiday options all around the globe.
I am writing this letter with regard to finding suitable accommodation according to my needs in Abbotsford, Canada for one year.
I saw an article in yesterday's magazine that if anyone wants to contribute an article in a magazine about " The book that influenced me the most". I am writing this letter to show my interest in that and see if i can get a chance to tell about my favourite book.
I am an employee of your company's technical support department, and, I have been working in your company for ten years in the same company, last month, my manager promoted me to Team leader.
I am wiriting this letter to inform you Sir / Mme that I need to take some time off work. In my letter, I present for you the reasons for my demande and how my work could be covered while I am away.
I hope you are doing well. I want to share some exciting news with you—I have recently started a new job at the NASA space exploration centre in Brisbane.
I writing this letter to apply for the job of babysitting that I have seen in an advertisement in an Australian magazine. Because I like children a lot, I always have been looking for this kind of job where I can serve small children and be a part of an earlier stage of their lives.
It’s been a long time since we caught up. I came to know that you are planning to go for summer camping which is a great idea. From past experience, I can say you will relentlessly enjoy summer camp. You can go for a walk in the wild forest to enjoy its beauty, moreover, swimming and going fishing would be captivating as well.
Hope this letter of mine finds you in good health and in high spirits . For 2 years my family planning for this holiday. Finally, we are going to Egypt for 7 days and I am very happy that you have agreed to look after my house and pet. As you know how I love my sniffer please make sure to call her doctor in case you need it. We have a flight on 12th May so you have to come the next day to manage. You can contact me on WhatsApp number 45546566.As we are already on Snapchat I will be available there and in case of an emergency you can contact my uncle if I am not able to connect with you at that time , I already wrote it down in my diary for you which is kept on the coffee table behind the window.
I hope you are in good health. I saw the advertisement that you mentioned in the community post.I am searching for the same because I need to learn and earn at the same time for my summer vacation period. Recently I enrolled myself in the Eldercare management course and my previous job was housekeeping that's why I can easily handle all household chores such as cleaning, cooking and laundry and also arrange the room even I have knowledge about gardening meanwhile arranging stuff I can do gardening before going back to my house.
I hope that you are doing well. I would like to invite you to the celebration that I have planned to host next week on Thursday at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, New York. I will feel excited having you at my party.
I hope you are well. I recently took my computer to your store for repair after it started crashing frequently .I am writing to you to complain about the services I had at that time because one of your technicians promised a quick fix but it took over a week to resolve the issue and even though it still not working properly.
I am writing this letter to get information about the prices of accommodation in Canada, because, I got admitted to college for the study of Project Management. I want to pursue this study for my further career preparations, along with this, I will also look forward to a part-time job to take care of my expenses.
My name is John Micheal. I have been an old customer of your bank for the last 10 years, and my master account number is 0963678828833. I am writing this letter with regard to change my address in my bank account profile as I've been moved to a new city last month.
I am your neighbor. I moved into this house last week with my family, but, we did not get a chance to introduce ourselves. My name is XYZ, and I live with my husband and two children. We both husband and wife are working full time and unable to supervise our kids, that's why, we were looking for a quiet neighborhood, where our children can grow up in a noble society.
It has been a long time since we last met each other, but I've not forgotten the beautiful memories that we had together during our college times. After two months of finishing my studies, I got a job offer in a reputed Financial Company as a Loan Officer at their Head Office in Mississauga City.
I'm delightful to write this letter to you to share my experience with regards to training that was organised by the Talent Acquisition Department of our company. It was a week training to work with Secured Personal Loan Department to explore the underwriting process of Secured loan department.
I am very pleased to inform you that I am getting a new role as an Admin Officer in the Microsoft Office Company and I wanted to share my happiness with you, as, you are my best friend.
I'am writing this letter to inform you Sir/Mme that I borrowed some books from college library. Unfortunately I have to go away to visit a sick relative and I cannot return the books in time. I want to explain this problem in my letter.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and in the best spirits. I read your letter, I searched a lot to find a suitable job for you and I have seen various positions open for an accountant in “ThoughtWorks Canada.” You can work as an assistant manager of the company Which includes maintaining the paystubs of just its office workers, excluding managers and construction employees.
I am writing this letter to request 2 days leave that I need to attend a family function. Actually, it is my brother's marriage that will take place on the 20th of July, and we have a reception planned for the following day.
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to Television program I saw yesterday on the Prime channel. The name of the program is Crime Petrol which is telecast on weekdays.
I am writing this letter to draw your attention regarding TV program I saw yesterday on Prime channel. The name of the program is Crime Petrol which is telecast on weekdays.
I’m writing to inform you about the last course that I graduated in your school. It was a IELTS preparation training course which started two months ago. The training was not online, but in class with a really friendly group and a supportive teacher. Those small features made my experience really pleasant.
I hope you are doing well. I don't remember if I told you that we had planed to move to the new place. Now we are living in another country already 5 monthes. All of our family had moved, including our 4 cats.
I'm using the public transport due to the long period of my life here in Canada. I'm always felling comfortable and confident with the transport schedule, and there were still the minor problems of late for a few minutes. But the lust week I was very dissapointed in the work of your department.
I lodged in your hotel over the weekend and unfortunately, I forgot some of my items of clothing inside the room I slept. Therefore, I am writing this email to inform you about them.
Finally, I have moved to Madrid! You know I have been informing you about my intention to move to a new city since January this year, therefore, I eventually did last Saturday.
For the past three months, I have been having issues with your transport services. Initially, I was very excited when your new buses started operating in the city, however, I found out that they do more harm than good, and sincerely, this isn't good enough for your business.
I am writing this letter to invite you to attend the party which I am going to organise the next weekend. Because Devarsh is far from his family and his birthday coming, he might feel alone on that day, so it is a great idea to become part of his happiness which can make his birthday memorable.
I am writing this letter to express my views, for your recent article named ‘The book that influenced me most’. The book that inspired me a lot is ‘The Screat’ which was written by Robert Smith, a famous book writer. He mostly wrote books on philosophy and psychology.
I writing this letter to inform you that, I am not coming on the scheduled date to visit you due to a vital function in my family, but instead of it, I will come in the first week of the next month.
I am writing to express interest in the accountant position advertised on JobBank. I am excited to contribute my skills and experience to your esteemed organization.
I hope you are doing well with the new job in the new city. I just got your letter and you wrote that you have settled down in a house, which is close to work. Now, as everything is sorted, why don't you come to visit me this summer?
I am writing to inform you about the training course named 'Latest Java Learning' which is designed to provide advance knowledge about the programming language, Java. I believe taking up this program would be extremely beneficial to me and our company.
If you remember last month at my birthday party, I told you that I am trying to inculcate the habit of reading into my daily routine. I am so happy to let you know that I have completed reading my first-ever book - ' Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar' by Dhananjay Keer. It is a biography of how he came from a small town and eventually became an Indian jurist. Furthermore, it includes his journey towards drafting our Indian constitution.
If you remember during last month at my birthday party, I told you that I am trying to inculcate the habit of reading in my daily routine. I am so happy to let you know that I have completed reading my first ever book - ' Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar' by Dhananjay keer. It is a biography of how he came from a small town and eventually became an Indian jurist. Furthermore, the book includes his journey towards drafting our Indian constitution.
I'am writing this letter because I didn't receive my suitcase and I have still heard nothing from your airline company. Then, in this letter , I presenting what happened and describe my suitcase and what was in it.
First of all, congratulations on passing high school with such an outstanding score. I am really proud of you. As a friend having slightly more experience than you, my personal recommendation is that you take up a job now.
First of all, congratulations on passing high school with such an outstanding score. I am really proud of you. I am sure you must have had a blast at your place. As a friend having slightly more experience than you, I would strongly suggest you take up a job now.
My name is Gulshan Khan, and I rented your apartment on Civil Lines Road for 5 years back in October 2015. I am writing this letter to thank you for being a kind and generous landlord and to let you know that the lease of the apartment is coming to an end in the next four months. Also, I have decided to move out early and will be handing over the keys to your agent by the end of this week.
I want to appreciate you for providing wonderful service to my office staff during their stay at your hotel The King. Everyone was quite delighted with the quick service from your workers starting from the reception desk to the room arrangements except for the quality of lunch that was served and made them disgruntled.
Hope, You are good. Right now I am out of town for you to visit my hometown will be next month. Because next month my town members will arrange a big festival. Moreover, At that time I will also present to you. However, there are some more places that are also good for you to see for example, Old Museum, Big Zoo , some religious places and entertainment places. Furthermore, My mom also wants to see you,whenever they will meet you my mom really getting happy. I will be waiting for you see you soon.
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