IELTS Writing Samples Task 2

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The IELTS essays below will give you a better idea of how to turn your essay into a well-structured, complete-length essay.

In recent years, an increasing number of citizens have preferred to eat food at restaurants or dairy shops instead of cooked food at their residences. Many people argue that buying food from restaurants or food stores is easier than cooking food at home, while others believe that preparing food at home has more protein, is fresh, and is cheap.
In the digital era, conducting online meetings and training sessions has gained popularity. There are both benefits and drawbacks to this ongoing trend.
As urban areas are full with apartments and buildings, it is important to have parks and squares in such places to let people breath and I agree to this statement fully.
Over the last few decades, it has been a subjective matter whether young people should pursue studying in tertiary science or give their literacy away and start to effort after graduating from institution. From my standpoint, it would be more beneficial for the young generation to carry on teaching at university or college since there will be more prospects for career advancement.
Some people would argue that students should not use their mobiles in schools, others would say that students' mobiles should not banned at school. While using mobile will help children to call their families and take photos for lessons, i believe that using phones during the school day has a bad effect on student outcomes, because they will not focus on their studies.
Big cities have been popular as a destination in recent years since they provide more healthcare services for people. One school of thought holds that the health of residents in urban areas is being affected negatively. While acknowledging the benefit of living in big cities, I would contend that it is dangerous to people’s health as a consequence of living in big cities.
Even if there is a lot of workout centers, passive lifestyle is becoming widespread worldwide. This essay will discuss the problems associated with sedentary lifestyle and suggest possible solutions to address them. Inactive way of living causes an increase in health problems such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases among the population. The possible solution could be inserting mandatory physical activities in people’s lives by equipping their workplaces with special tools for their physical training.
Some individuals believe that the loss of specific species of plants and animals is the most crucial environmental issue of our time. However, I firmly disagree with the notion that the extinction of species is the main environmental problem. This essay will explore other environmental concerns, such as climate change and pollution, which are arguably more deleterious.
Currently, most industries are using plastic due to the convenience. However, there are statements that plastic is causing pollution. In this essay, I will talk about the bad impacts of wasted plastic and solutions to address the problems.
The figure illustrates the changes that have occurred to Grange Park which was first opened in 1920 until now. It is evident from the plans that the overall features of the park have varied during these years.
It is said that kids should be raised to be competitive, while others think that cooperation will be more valuable as they enter adulthood. This essay will make the case that although competing with other peers brings success to children, being able to work as a team will be more beneficial later in life.
Owing to the problem that the development of contemporary devices alleviates crime, while others think it's the opposite of the result which probably increases crimes in advance. Presumably, it has two sides of perspectives. However, in this topic, I will state my opinions in the following paragraphs.
In globalization, rules and laws are the basic foundation of the recent society. If it did not work, people were free to do whatever they wanted. Personally, I completely with this view.
These days, there has been a growing debate about mandating a set portion of individual earnings to charitable organizations. Many believe that this practice might create various benefits to society, while some argue that it leads to several drawbacks. In my opinion, I disagree with the statement due to numerous factors, which will be detailed in this essay.
In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether parents should choose leisure time activities for their children or not, with some people believing that children have to choose their own free time activities. In this essay, I will argue and explain my opinion about this topic.
Some people believe that it is a good idea to demolish aging buildings and homes in urban areas to make place for modern housing complex, while others argue that classic buildings should be preserved. I think both views are valid, but I would argue for the protection of the heritage buildings because each country's culture and way of living is depicted via these kinds of architectural buildings.
Cybercrime is an important problem connected with stealing personal data and passwords, that makes a lot of people feel unsafe and leads to a number of negative consequences. This essay will explore the main problems caused by this trend and discuss the possible solutions.
Many nations are spending huge sums of revenue searching for oil , furthermore since fossil fuel reserves can dry out, it is more practical to invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar . This essay completely agrees with the option of searching for alternate sources of power ,the main reason being the continuous availability and the next is reduced environmental impacts.
In this modern world, it can be seen that a vast majority of youth are migrating to big cities. It is opined that most of the young generation are moving out of their houses in rural areas to find better options for educational facilities or work. In this essay, I will examine how the positive aspects outweigh the negative points.
Nowadays, many people think that teenagers in certain countries do not have enough leisure time and face significant pressure in their studies. This pressure mainly comes as a result of competition between them and expectations from parents, who desire a bright future for their children. However, there are some solutions to tackle this obstacle.
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown significant divergence. Some argue that allowing everyone to attend college regardless of their academic performance is essential for students. From my perspective, I agree with this viewpoint.
In some nations university students choose to live at home with their family throughout their education, on the other hand, in some come countries many students prefer to go to different cities for university. Although there are a few negatives associated with preferring to study in another cities, I feel that the possible benefits would be far more considerable.
Shopping is an essential part of our life. Large Shopping malls have been opened at a wide range resulting in the closure of some local markets. This action resulted in attracting a vast number of people towards the malls. In my opinion, I think this is a positive improvement for all the customers.
In some countries, numerous individuals are suffering health concerns because of consuming too much fast food. Hence, governments should impose a higher tax on this kind of food. I completely agree that this is the best way to tackle the issue of obesity and many health problems. What is more, people do not care themselves, therefore governments should solve this problem by increasing the tax on fast food.
Shopping is an essential part of our life. Large Shopping malls have been opened at a wide range that resulted in closure of some local shops. This action resulted in attracting a vast number of people towards the malls. In my opinion I think this is the positive improvemnt for all the customers.
Some people believe that authorities should spend money on public services instead of the arts. I disagree with this statement because arts contribute to cultural preservation and enrichment.
Currently, the world is changing rapidly. Some people dislike these changes because of their inconvenience. Others welcome and enjoy these transitions. This essay will discuss both perspectives in detail.
Obesity has became a big problem for kids in Australia. So, some people think it is essential for schools to control their weight and exercise. From my perspective, although schools do have some parts of responsibility to pay attention to students, this responsibility should be shared among parents and educational institutions equally.
While it is widely accused that living in big cities can impact on residential's health negatively, others argue that there could be countless factors that contributing to medical issue of living in such environment. The reason why I agree with this controversial topic will be elaborated on this eassay.
There will always be two different opinions in the academic field on whether children should be able to select the subjects they are interested in, or if they should study the basic required subjects. It is true that learning something you really enjoy can sometimes yield better results compared to when you do something out of mere responsibility. However, this is not always guaranteed.
In the digital era, conducting online meetings and training sessions has been very popular due to several conveniences. There are both benefits and drawbacks to this ongoing trend.
Being over weight or obese means being above a healthy body weight. Over the last decade western society has seen a significant hike in the number of overweight children. This is majorly due to reasons such as unhealthy diet, minimal exercise and food adulteration.
It is controversial that restrictions on the use of flights are necessary since they harm the environment and consume the global resources of fuel. I partially agree with this view, for the increasing amount of contaminated air as well as the severe shortage of petrol regardless of the fact that air travel has played a significant role in boosting the number of foreign tourists.
There will always be two different opinions in academic field whether children should be able to select the subjects they are interested in, on the other hand it said that children should study the basic require subjects. It is true that learning something you really enjoy sometimes will give a better result compared to when it something we don’t really take interest in and just doing it because of responsibility. But it not always guarantee.
It is believed that, learning would become better through physical interactions with a tutor in a school environment. But others think e-learning are more effective. This essay will discuss both the views where mode of learning would give a better quality of learning to the students.
These days every human can freely use computers and network in their own purposes. Kids are not an exception , they also have an access to social network and social media respectively. This situation actually can cause some serious problems bound with kids and need to be solved on time. In this essay we will determine issues and look for solutions to solve them correctly.
Issue related to the future trend are frequently discussed these days. It is argued that printed items will be left a lot in the stock because of a rising of e-book trend. I partially agree with this assertion and this essay will provide further explanations and examples to support my viewpoint.
Minerals have played not only a significant role in the advancements of technology in recent years but also are an irreplaceable part of human life. Many people argue that the need to research different ore and valuable materials is worthwhile, nevertheless, others are against this claim. The following essay is going to discuss both views and state my point of view about this statement.
People have different views about whether the best way to reduce crime by the perpetrators is by extending their punishment period or by finding other alternative approaches instead. while extended periods of punishment can sometimes be useful for them to realize what they have done to be in such a place, In my opinion, providing them the alternative approaches like psychological counselling would help them to be a good person in society.
When we are thinking of the best way to learn a new language, most people will agree that hands on experience will be a great boost of your skill enhancement. This statement is somewhat agreeable to some degree, remembering there should be a lot of things to be considered as what experiences should be called as "hands-on" experience.
The phenonmenon of spoon-fed education or cramming education has aroused wide concern around the globe. Whether children have the right to choose what to learn or not has heat the headline. Te advocates believe that learning should be based on children's interest. Otherwise, education would be stressing and meaningless to children. However, those who stand on an entirely different ground proclaim that it is essential for children to learn different kinds of subjects to ensure that they have basic knowledge in every aspect to fit in the society.
In contemporary society, local authorities often invest heavily in various sectors, particularly public schools, kindergartens, and health care centers. While some argue that it is not the government's duty to fund these areas, I side with those who believe that providing free health care and schooling is essential.
Few people are keen to eat outside whereas, some people loved to cook at their home. In this essay, I will describe why this is the case and why I preferred to eat home cooked meals.
Governments should spend money on other more comprehensive development rather than all on art. This essay will provide two faces, which fulfill the satisfaction of individuals.
When we turn on the television, there will be news or some live streams of different kinds of sports around the world. As the technology nowadays are improved, it is easy for many medias to show the sports on the television through different methods. For example, live streams are being one of the most common method to show the competition of sports on the television all around the world. Moreover, sport seems to be some hot news or topic to be discussed nowdays as well. Just like the olympics recently, people are excited about it. They will gather around to watch the games together, discussing and cheering for their country. As to raise the ammount of viewers, television channels will tend to podcast the sports event. Every television channels got the copyright of performing the live streams of the game in Hong Kong.
Nowadays, many students want to study abroad or live outside from their original country. It is such a good thing, especially if the country can not support or provide the needs for its citizens. Actually, there is nothing wrong if people want to get a better life and search experience in another country. But, obviously, there are some benefits and drawbacks of this.
A learning curve is essential for growth. Few people argue that parents should teach their children how to become a better part of community. Whereas, other believe that it is the responsibility of the schools. According to me, both parties should play their part in the development of young generation towards the betterment of our community. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will explain about this issue.
Some people argue that we no longer remember the original meaning of traditional festivals and that most people only consider them as opportunities to have fun. Although I agree that the most important task of festivals is enjoying them, I do not agree that people have forgotten the meaning of these festivals.
In the current world of globalisation, many local small-scale businesses have been forced to shut down simply because they could not keep up with the multinational companies as well as those operated virtually. If this continues to happen, it would have a drastic impact on the local communities. This essay discusses the detrimental effects of this phenomenon on the local community and generates a number of strategies we can adopt to solve such a problem.
We live in an age when many of us are less self-conscious about consuming new information.With the proliferation of digital media, in recent years,adolescents prefer to play different games or watch movies instead of reading stories traditionally. While it is undeniable that the accessibility of online stories transformed the way younger generations receive narratives,I believe that reading tales via book still useful and should not be forgotten.
It is often controversial whether children should study the subjects of their interests as some people believe that learning the basic subjects is significant for the improvement of their academic performances. I support the latter view, for the basic understanding of the broad fields makes it more achievable for students to solve complex problems in the future regardless of the fact that studying an area of individual taste raises more motivation for learning.
In present days, people have been debating whether in traditional classroom or online classroom students can learn more productively. This essay will shed light on the benefits of both learning tyles before concluding that I am in favor of virtual classrooms.
In the contemporary era, it is becoming more affordable to travel to many destinations because of the drop that occurred in flying ticket prices. This essay will suggest that the opportunity for improving one's life and discovering other cultures are the foremost benefits, and demonstrate that the increase in the immigration rate and the fall in salaries for this sector careers are the primary drawbacks.
Before the advent of the latest technologies, life was considered better than the present times. However, I believe that new technologies have improved our lives in some aspects, whereas, some negative impacts on the other parts of people's lives have been noticed.
Many individuals think that children's behavior can be affected by watching TV, while others believe that the amount of time they spend watching is the main culprit. I will give some information about both views.
Undoubtedly, changing the traditional school curriculum for the benefit of children has become a heated topic of discussion. Some people working in advanced industries have accentuated the need to bring some potential changes in the ongoing education system in order to meet the market requirements. They put forward a plethora of things like arts, sports, vocational training and a lot more that should be added to bring an avalanche of benefits. I agree that a new system is needed for an hour to benefit the global population. This essay will discuss the various positives to support the revolution of transforming the old structure.
In the modern era, meetings and discussions are being conducted online by employers due to several conveniences. There are both pros and cons to this ongoing trend, but I would argue that the drawbacks exceed the benefits.
In the modern era, meetings and trainings are being conducted online by employers due to several conveniences. There are both pros and cons to this ongoing trend, but I would argue that the drawbacks exceed the benefits.
It is argued that a number of businesses use well-known stars and sponsor sports to popularize in their advertisements. However, some individuals believe it is a good way to advertise, while others argue that it brings the drawbacks. According to these statements,this essay would cast light on it through these passages.
There is a belief that the ease of gadgets hurts society and individuals. It has not only affected health but also consumes time and distracts people from their work and studies. I completely agree with this notation that exceeding the craze for video games is a major setback for our society.
Some individuals opine that children should have the right to select the stream they want to study. Whereas, others believe that they should have focused on basic discipline. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter notion that rudimentary schooling is mandatory for youngsters as they are unaware of their choices of interest in tuition and they can learn all the perspectives of different subjects.
In the future, it is expected that all cars, buses, and trucks will operate without drivers, with passengers being the only occupants. This idea raises a question about whether the benefits of such driverless vehicles will outweigh the drawbacks.
Some individuals are of the view that other media are better root for news. However some individuals believe that the best way of getting news are through the newspaper. The essay will discuss both views and gives the writer's opinion.
In this contemporary epoch, most individuals face trouble of not getting a night of proper sleep due to high stress which further leads to the situation, lack of concentration during their work and feeling fatigued most of the time. This essay will delve into the issues caused due to low sleeping hours and will provide the proper remedies to overcome this problem.
Some people say that motor cars are a convenient option for driving near a city. Others believe that bicycles are a great choice. In my opinion, bicycles are a more flexible and eco-friendly option than cars.
Some individuals are of the view that other media are the better root for news. However, some individuals believe that the best way of getting news is through newspaper. The essay will discuss both views and give the writer's opinion. To begin with, due to the advancement of technology, the media's are great source of updates and information. Such as the radios, television, social media handle's ( Facebook, Twitter and others). One can listen to news when driving or working at the same time. The is no need to park or pause whatever you are doing and to read papers and it's convenient too. Another point is reading information on media can give you the access to read other people's opinion and suggestions. Their views gives you clear understanding about the whole issue.
Many youths do voluntary service in their native places, which has a symbiotic type of benefits. According to some people, this should be made mandatory that all teens do unpaid jobs in their leisure time. This short essay gives the reasons below, why this statement needs to be disagreed on.
Many people worldwide think that traditional celebrations no longer have the same crucial impact on their lives due to urbanization, leading people to leave their cultural heritage behind. This essay will discuss both reasons for the rapid advancement of this phenomenon, and what procedures can be made to help avoid this problem.
Education is the key to success. Healthcare workers and teachers play a vital role in the development of society and they should be motivated more as compared to actors and the fun industry. I completely agree with this statement. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will describe some points to support my opinion.
It is very important for the parents to look after what their children wants to study in their lives. Few people argue that students should allow to select their desired courses. Whereas, other believe that they should focus on the fundamental subjects only. It is btter that children should provide the freedom to choose their favorite studies. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will shed light on the both views and provide my own opinion as well.
These days,It is becoming more and more popular for children to have a considerable number of toys.As a matter of fact,parents have been purchasing alot of various toys for their children in recent years.There is no doubt that there are some advantages and disadvantages of having alot of toys for children.In this essay,I will address some benefits and drawbacks of having a huge number of toys for children.
The discourse surrounding the most effective medium for acquiring news has led to contrasting opinions among individuals. While some individuals lean towards newspapers, others argue in favor of alternative media sources. In my view, although newspapers possess certain advantages, the rapid dissemination and accessibility of digital media render it a more preferable choice for staying abreast of current affairs in the present era.
Nowadays many people believe that highly qualified people are more susceptible to high salaries than non-qualified people, while others outweigh work experience over educational qualifications. In this essay, I will discuss both views and I will write down my opinion.
It is said that works from local artists should be only exposed in museums and galleries, rather than works from other countries. I strongly agree with this opinion due to preservation of cultural heritage.
In the current culture , children opt to spend time with friends rather than staying at home . Loneliness may be attributed to this . In my opinion, children should be tactically managed rather than compelled to stay at the residence
In the next decades, people will opt to use their mobile phones or gadgets for reading news or books. For some of them prefer not to buy the printed news papers or books because it will costs them more than utilizing their own phones online.
Gun violence has steadily risen in many nations around the globe because individuals have permits to obtain them. I strongly agree with this statement and will discuss two significant violent scenarios that emerge through it.
In the nearest days, people do not buy paper or books, because they prefer to read which they do not spend their money on, rather than printed paper or books. I partially agree and disagree with this topic, because although reading or finding something online which is searching the internet is more convenient for people, who suffer from this their literate.
These days, many parents are putting a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. This is because of increased competition, society's expectations, and the desire for a better future. However, this pressure can have both positive and negative effects.
In this thriving world where people tend to romanticize love, many people argue whether to marry the person they love or the person who has the wealth they need for life.
Access to computers has increased rapidly today, consequently the number of children playing computer games has risen too. This essay will discuss the main issues associated with this situation and propose many possible solutions to avoid them.
It is argued that computers are the most effective invention in the last years. This essay totally agrees with this statement because using computers helps to reduces paper waste, and it is a useful gadgets for learning.
Nowadays, we are observing the development of agriculture and also introduction of new instruments which has made it far easier to produce food. Nonetheless, many people around the globe are suffering from lack of nutrients. In other words, despite advances in food industry there are still some problems to provide food. In this essay,I will discuss some of the reasons to this situation and try to suggest some solutions.
It is human nature that discover unknown situations. In the last decades, scientists have become more excited when reach the moon. This essay will discuss why individuals find this issue ridiculous despite scientist's arguments
Firstly, we are going to discuss both views equally starting with why do people think traveling abroad is a valuable experience for young people? I honestly agree with them a simple reason is the amount of new things you will be able to experience such as food, culture and even the language all of those little details will have an impact on a young person's life those experiences will make them more open minded to new ideas and easily comfortable with changes hence, all those great valuable experiences there is still a downside I totally agree with the people who are saying expense are high but I do not agree that it is a waste of time because in the future the young person will be so thankful for an experience like that at such a young age and there for they are going to understand how lucky they were and how it is not a waste of their time or money at all. Lastly, I do believe if you have the expenses and you are still young between the ages of 21-35 you should do it , you would n...
It is believed that internationalisation can be perilous for the diversity of cultures. I completely agree with this statement because people tend to follow the trends and customs prevailing especially in first-world countries.This essay will delve deeper into these points in the impending paragraphs.
Some believe that spending time with your co-workers after work is beneficial to us, while others suggest that it is essential to maintain social distancing with your colleagues. In this essay, I will elaborate on both sides of the view, and I partially agree on the necessity of having good relationships with colleagues.
Increasingly world progress, many social applications are becoming very uncomplicated to use without any problems. In this essay I will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of this style. My personal perspective is that, new streams are more useful due to their abilities.
There is no denying the fact that manager levels are often elderly communities. While it is commonly held belief that it is better for young people to become a leader in organisations, there is also an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that young nation should have a chance to be in the managerial level.
There is no denying the fact that manager levels are often elderly community. While it is commonly held belief that it is better for young people to becoming a leader in organisations, there is also an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that young people should have a chance to be in the managerial level.
Some people perceive graduating from college become the best way to get a job while others argue that getting experience and growing skills are more prominent to getting a good job. I believe both academics and experiences are crucial factors in securing a good job.
Sometimes, it is argued that it is beneficial for people to compete with each other in all aspects of their lives. Others thought that instead of competing with each other, it can be a better idea to work together like a team. While I totally understand the advantages of competition, I believe cooperating with each other can be more beneficial for individuals.
Numerous number of individuals are sure that the only way to attend for a good job is to finish university education course,while others claim to begin work after comleting school and acquire experience in the environment of work.It is agreed that completing an university education course increasing the chances of getting a good job in the future.Analysing the advantages of completing academy course,as well as a capability of both gaining practical and theoretical experience will prove this.
In recent years, some people in most nations have shared the same advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels due to the cultural convergence and the opening market. In this essay, both pros and cons of this phenomenon will be discussed through my personal knowledge and experiences.
Mankind has two general types of needs, necessary and not urgent. One of the most fundamental needs is health care services. Nevertheless, non-governmental institutes have turned it to be expensive for normal citizens. This essay will extend the benefits and drawbacks of it with a weighing them at the end.
In recent years, some people in most nations share the same advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels due to the cultural convergence and the opening market. In this essay, both cros and cons of this phenomenon will be discussed through my personal knowledge and experiences.
The jury is still out on whether the state should provide all forms of education free of charge. While some people believe that tertiary education should have tuition fees for students, eliminating uninterested students, I side with those who argue that free education can bear fruit in the long perspective.
Nowadays, with the advent of digital technology, many people prefer to watch their most-liked movies on streaming services and internet platforms rather than going to the theater. There are both pros and cons to this ongoing procedure.
Many authorities believe that economic growth is their essential purpose, while many individuals argue that other parts are required to develop as well. Even though I respect to first view, I am firmly convinced of the latter notion. This essay will discuss both benefits and will give possible constructive conclusions.
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