50 Latest introduction IELTS Topics

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Due to the influence of worldwide media such as television and computers, the gap between cultures is decreasing. The introduction of this global culture is a great benefit to the world. To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint?
Due to the influence of world-wide media such as television and computers, the gap between cultures is narrowing. The introduction of this global culture is of great benefit to the world. To what extent do you agree with this point of view?
Write a letter to a hotel manager in another city to ask about a 2 day business trip for yourself and your colleagues. Include An introduction to your office Information about the business trip Other requests
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library’s manager, in your letter include: – A brief introduction of yourself – Your experience and relevant skills – Why you want the job
Some believe that with the introduction of modern technology people become more social. While some people think with modern technology, they become less social. Discuss the both views and give your opinion?
Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic. Globalization has led to the introduction of many new international products into local shops and markets. What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of this example of globalization?
Write a letter to a hotel manager in another city for an upcoming 2-day business trip for you and your colleagues. Introduce yourself and colleagues (financial service, product focus on insurance and mutual fund, proficient in engligh and madarin) Give information about the business meeting ( market outlook, new insurance product introduction, case study) Tell other requests you might have ( wifi, projector , microphone, basic refreshment-tea, briskit , coffee machine)
Technology has brought many changes in our lives, especially in the educaion system. One of these is tge introduction of online studies. Is this a positive or negative dvelopment? Give readons and examples from your personal opinion.
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter tothe library’s manager. In your letter include: - A brief introduction of yourself - Your experience and relevant skills - Why you want the job
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library's manager, in your letter include: -A brief introduction of yourself -Your experience and relevant skills. -Why you want the job
Technology has brought many changes in our lives, especially in the educaion system. One of these is the introduction of online studies. Is this a positive or negative dvelopment?   Give readons and examples from your personal opinion.
The graphs below show the number of drivers in Britain who have been caught driving too fast by speed cameras placed on roads, and the numbe of people killed in road accidents, over an eight-year period since the introduction of speed cameras. The tables show the results of a survey on people’s opinion on speed cameras. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library’s manager, in your letter include: - A brief introduction of yourself - Your experience and relevant skills - Why you want the job Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library’s manager, in your letter include: – A brief introduction of yourself – Your experience and relevant skills – Why you want the job #school #library #applicants #job
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