50 Latest Activities IELTS Topics

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More people say that devoting one’s time to family activities is more important than spending time working. Others believe that dedicating one’s time to work is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion
You have some time off work and are hoping to visit a close friend, Stephanie, for a few days. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter •suggest spending time together • explain why you have time to do this • propose some activities Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Stephanie,
The pie graphs below show the result of a survey of children’s activities. The first graph shows the cultural and leisure activities that boys participate in, whereas the second graph shows the activities in which the girls participate. Write a report for a university lecturer and report the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The bar chart below shows the percentages of three groups of Japanese children taking part in four kinds of activities in 2018. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
Some people think sports games are important for society, while others believe they should be taken as leisure activities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that governments should ban dangerous sports. Others claim that they should have freedom to choose their favourite activities. Discuss both views and present your opinion.
Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measure can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give our opinion
You have some time off work and are hoping to visit a close friend, Stephanie, for a few days. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter suggest spending time together explain why you have time to do this propose some activities
Some parents believe children’s leisure activities should be always educational, but others think it will cause more pressure on children. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
You are applying to get admitted to an educational programme at a university abroad. Specify what you want to study and write a motivation letter, including the following points- • What attracted you to this particular programme, reason for wanting to study- your motivations and ambitions • How your current study is relevant and what your academic achievements are • Why you are suitable- extracurricular activities, hobbies and other experience related to your choice of programme.
The following two pie charts display the results of a survey into the popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 word
Some say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their spare time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.
Children should do organized activities in their free time while others believe children should be free to do what they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
The given below pie chart shows the cultural and leisure Activities amongst boys’ and girls’. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The following two pie charts show the results of a survey into the popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic: According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average 'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree or disagree?
A friend you met last year has invited you to visit them in their country. You have never been there before and need some information before you leave. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter request advice about a gift for his/her family ask about activities and clothing find out about the food
Human activities have a negative effect on plant and animals species. Some people say that it is too late to do anything. Some people think that we should take effective action to improve the situation. Discuss both sides and give an opinion
Some people opine that entertainment or leisure activities should be subsidized by the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
The Table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months.
Some parents believe that their children should do extra curricular activities after school.Others say in this way children are under pressure. Discuss both views and give your opinion .
Due to many human activities animal's and plants' life is in danger. Some think that this cannot be changed. Some think that government should do something. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
A good friend has just changed schools and is having difficulty fitting in and needs your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • make suggestions as to how they could make friends • suggest joining clubs, participating in school activities • give any extra general advice You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear...,
Shopping is the favorite pastime for most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some useful activities in their free time?
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist activities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Full time university students spend most of their time behind academic subjects. Some people say that they should engage in other activities also. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, liesure and work activities. What extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people think that it is important to use leisure tomr for activities that improve mind,such as doing word puzzles or reading.Other feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Some people think that children who spend a lot of time reading children’s story book are wasting their time which could be better used doing other more useful activities. To what extend do you agree?
The following two pia charts show the results of a survey into the popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in1985 and in 1995.
Some people say full time students should spend most of time studying; others believe that they should do other activities as well.To what extent do you agree or disagree ?
Some think that it is more important for children to engage in outdoor activities instead of playing videogames. To what extent to you agree or disagree?
Some people say that teenagers should work part-time and earn money. This way they will learn basic lessons about work and become more disciplined. Others argue that teenagers shouldn’t sacrifice their rest and after-school activities to work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think the government funding should not be used for supporting art and culture, others think supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, A,erican, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.
The pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1959 and 2008. Summarize the information and by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that high schools should incorporate unpaid community service into their mandatory curriculum, encompassing activities like volunteering for charitable causes, improving local neighborhoods, and teaching sports to younger children
Some people think that the government should spend taxpayers' funds on cultural activities such as music or art. Others think this is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays children watch a lot of TV and play video games. However, some people think that these activities are not good for a child’s mental health. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities which are done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays many people go shopping in their free time. Shopping has replaced many other activities that people used to choose as their hobby. what are the reason for this. Is this a positive or negative development?
You recently went to a concert and thought one of the singers was very good. You want to tell him how you feel. Write a letter to the singer. In your letter say how you feel about his performance give details of your musical activities e explain how you would like him to help you with your musical activities
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure and work activities. To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are acomplete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
The bar chart below shows the percentages of children from four countries taking part in four kinds of activities in 2018. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The pie charts below show the percentage of time younger and older people spend on various Internet activities in their free time. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
For many young people today, shopping is their favourite free time activity. Why do you think this has happened? Should young people be encouraged to do different activities in their free time?
Universities should allocate the same amount of money to students sports activities as they allocate to their libraries . To what extent do you agree with this view ?
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