50 Latest Advent IELTS Topics

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For countries, importantparts of education have remained such as reading, writing and math. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be mande as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree.
Some people believe that the advent of economical air travel has been very beneficial by making international travel more accessible, while others argue that it has had a very negative impact. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.
The rise of convenience foods has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. What are the adventages of this trend? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
For centuries, important parts of education have remained, such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skills be made us a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree?
For centuries, importants part of education have remained such as reading, writing, and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree.
The advent of the internet has made it possible for people to work from home. Do you feel this working argument has more advantages or disadvantages? Share your personal experience in your essay.
In the future all cars, bues and trucks will be driverless. The only people traevelling inside these vehichcles will be passengers. Do you think the adventages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadventages?
With the advent of stream services online , fewer people go to the movie theater to see films what what are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
36 . According to those in travel business, the nature of every native holiday in changing. Rather than have a relaxing break, people want to challenge themselves to do adventure on their holidays. Do you agree or disagree ?
In some countries, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the adventages and disadvantages of giving children this message.
Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Discuss the both positive and negative effects of adventures on people life with examples from your personal
The advent of the Internet has made it possible for people to work from home. Write an essay looking at the advantages and disadvantages of this professional arrangement. Share personal examples in vour essay.
Nowadays more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the adventages of this trend for individuals overweigh its disadventages for the environment? Find essays with the same topic
The advent of the internet has made it it possible for people to work from home. Do you feel this working arrangement has more advantages or disadvantages? Share personal experiences In your essay.
In the past, people used to travel abroad to look for many difference from their home country. Nowadays, cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What are the reasond? do the adventages outweight disadventages?
It is important fo people to tke risks, both in their professional lives and their pesonal lives. Do you think the advantage of taking risks outweigh the disadventages?
For centuries, Iportant parts os education have remained such as reading, writing, maths. With the advent of computers sompe people think that computer skills be made as fourth skill to the list. To what extent do you agree?
For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree?
In many parts of the world, children's were very different from today. What do you think weather adventages or disadventages of life for children in the past?
For centuries, importan parts of education have remained such reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to added to the list. to what extent do you agree?
For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and math. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extend do you agree?
With the advent of e-books, e-magazines and e-newspapers, some people believe that printed media will soon become obsolete. Others feel much more confident about its survival prospects. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and Math. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skills be made as fourth skill to the list. To what extent do you agree?
Nowadays more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the adventages of this trend for individuals overweigh its disadventages for the environment?
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages ot this outweigh the disadventages?
With the advent of social media, more people are getting their news online instead of from print media. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for people who read news online.
An increasing number of people are buying what they need online. What are the advantages and disadventages for both individuals and companies to shopping online?
The map below shows two proposed sites foe a new adventure company in the Caribbean. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main feature, and make comparisons where relevant.
For centuries, important part of education have remained such as reading, writing, maths.With the advent if computers,some people think that computer skill be made as a Fourth skill to be added to the list . To what extend do you agree?
Today more countires import food from different parts of the world. Discuss the adventages and disadvantages of this trend. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the adventages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadventages?
S technology adventures travelling to space is likely to become an option for holiday makers in future what do you think that advantage and disadvantage of space tourism
The advent of the internet has made it possible for people to work from home. Do you feel this working agreement has more advantages or disadvantages question mark
The advent of the Internet has made it possible for people to work from home. Write an essay looking at the advantages and disadvantages of this professional arrangement. Share personal examples in your essay.
For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading and writing. With the advent of computer skill be made as fourth aubject to be added. To what extent do you agree?
For countries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and math. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be mande as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree.
 For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and math. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree?
The advent of the Internet has made it possible for people to work from home. Do you feel this working arrangement has more advantages or dis- advantages? Share personal examples in your essay.
Because of the global economy many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by other countries have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the adventages outweigh the disadventages
Public general have differing views with regard to the advent of concessionary aviation. Some people thinks it has provided a myriad of advantages by making overseas air travel more easily reachable whereas the opposite attitude is true for others. In this essay, I will discuss both views in detail and offer my opinion.
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