50 Latest Apartment IELTS Topics

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Write a letter to a friend who is coming to stay at your apartment while you are away on vacation. In your letter, •Tell him/ her about your flat. •Give him/ her some instructions about his/ her stay. •Tell him/ her what to do in case of problem.
You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to a friend. In your letter: explain why you have moved describe your new apartment invite him/her to pay a visit
You have arranged to rent a new apartment, but will not be able to move in immediately due to some personal difficulties. Write a letter to the apartment owner. In your letter • describe the situation • explain why you won't be able to move in right now • say that you would like to move in at a later date
You saw an advertisement in the paper for a property management position at an apartment complex. Write a letter to express your interest. Include Why you are writing Your suitability for the role How you would approach the position
You live in a small apartment building. You are frequently bothered by noise from your upstairs neighbor’s apartment. Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter • Describe the situation • Explain why it is a problem for you • Suggest a solution Begin your letter as follows: Dear…….
You are due to move into a rented apartment next week but you will not be able to due to an unexpected problem. Write a letter to the property manager. In your letter 1) Explain the situation 2) Describe your problems 3) Tell him/her when you think you can move in Write at least 150 words. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Ms. Williams
In most of the countries, people prefer to live in a rented apartment rather than buying a home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in rented accommodation?
While your friend was away on vacation, you stayed in his apartment. While you were there, you dropped an expensive bowl and broke it. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - explain what happened, - apologise for the accident, - tell your friend what you plan to do about the bowl.
New neighbours have just moved into the apartment next to you. They have a dog which barks all day while they are at work. You have tried to talk to them but nothing has changed. Write to your local council to complain about the dog. In the letter, explain the situation  describe the dog and the noise it makes say what you want the council to do Write at least 150 words.  You do NOT need to write any addresses.
You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the Landlord won't return your deposit. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter explain why you are writing ask for the return of your deposit inform the landlord of possible legal action
Students at universities often have a choice of place to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.
Some people think that the best way to reduce time spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city centre with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
You are planning to travel and would like someone to take care of your apartment while you are away. Write a letter to a friend. In your letter • explain why you will be away • ask your friend to take care of your apartment • describe the tasks you want your friend to do Begin your letter as follows: Dear……
You have a spare room in your Apartment that you would like to rent out to a student. Write a letter to your Student Accommodation Officer of local college and say 1. Where is your apartment located? 2. When will the room be available 3. What are the requirements for a student to stay?
Due to growth of population many people live in apartments with limited space and no outdoor areas. Do this trend advantages of outweigh disadvantages?
Some people think that old houses should be knocked down to build new houses or apartment blocks. Others think that old houses should be protected because they are part of a nation’s history. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter, explain your situation describe your problems tell him/her when you think you can move in
You are going to take a short holiday in Singapore and you want to rent a holiday apartment while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter: • explain what you need • say when you plan to be there • ask for information about prices Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr/Ms __________
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more prons to living in an apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment? give reasons for your answers and give relevant examples
You are planning to travel and would like someone to take care of your apartment while you are away. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: Explain why you will be away Ask your friend to take care of your apartment Describe the tasks you want your friend to do.
You are renting an apartment. Write a letter to your landlord regarding a noise problem from your neighbors. Include the following in your letter: – What is the problem? – What have you done about it? – What would you like the landlord to do?
You rent an apartment and recently a new neighbor has moved in who lives above you. They are making a lot of noise and this is disturbing you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter: Explain what the problem is Explain why it is disturbing you so much Tell your landlord what you would like him/her to do about it
You have been living in an apartment for the last three years. A few problems have emerged in your apartment since the last repair. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter, give details of the last repair work what the problems are now how you would like the landlord to solve these problems
You have been living in a rental apartment for the past three years and had lived peacefully. Recently a new neighbor moved in and he loves to have loud parties every weekend. Write a letter complaining to the landlord. In your letter you should: · explain the situation · describe why it bothers you · suggest a solution
Some people believe that to reduce the amount of time, people spend commuting (traveling to work), parks and gardens close to the city centers should be replaced by apartment buildings for commuters to live in. However, others disagree with this. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
You want to rent out a small apartment to a family, and you have decided to advertise it. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper asking to advertise your ad on the front page of the newspaper. In your letter, •give details of the ad that you want to publish •mention that you want the ad to be published on the front page •say how you would like to pay for the advertisement
Some people believe that living in an apartment instead of a university dormitory has many advantages while others say that it has many disadvantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment instead of a university dormitory.
Your neighbours have been smoking in their apartment. Write a letter to the management company. In your letter • give details about the problem • explain how you would like the problem to be solved • describe other issues you've been having with the neighbours Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ...
You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter: •explain your situation •describe your problems • tell him/her when you think you can move in
You are planning to travel and would like someone to take care of your apartment while you are away. Write a letter to a friend. In your letter •explain why you will be away •ask your friend to take care of your apartment •describe the tasks you want your friend to do
Write about the following topic: Some people say that living in a high-rise apartment block is a lonely experience because there is no community spirit. Others say that people who live in high-rise apartments have a much better sense of community than those who live in a house. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter -Explain your situation -Describe your problems -Tell him when you think you can move in.
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages ti living in an apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?
You and your family have just rented an apartment and one or two problems occurred. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter • introduce yourself • describe the problems • what you would like him/her to do.
You are going to move out of your apartment in a English-speaking country. Your landlord is a very good person, who has assisted you a lot during your stay. Meanwhile, your friend would like to rent the flat after you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter, •Let your landlord know that you will be leaving •Thank you landlord for his/her help • Tel him/her about your friend
You are going to move out of your apartment in a English-speaking country. Your landlord is a very good person, who has assisted you a lot during your stay. Meanwhile, your friend would like to rent the flat after you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter, •Let your landlord know that you will be leaving •Thank you landlord for his/her help •Tel him/her about your friend
You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved in who has loud parties several times a week. Write a letter complaining about this to the landlord. In your letter: explain the situation describe why it bothers you suggest a solution Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms _____________,
You are planning to travel abroad and would like a friend to take care of your apartment annd pet cat while you are away: write a letter to your friend: explain how long and why will you be away describe the tasks you would like your friend to do tell your friend that he is welcome to stay in your apartment
You want to rent out a small apartment to a family, and you have decided to advertise it. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper asking to advertise your ad on the front page of the newspaper. In your letter, give details of the ad that you want to publish mention that you want the ad to be published on the front page say how you would like to pay for the advertisement
Some people say that living in an apartment has many advantages compared to living in a detached house. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You have an extra room in your apartment and would like to rent it out to a student. Write a letter to the university council officer. In your letter: - describe your apartment and the facilities available - mention why you want to rent out the room - say what kind of tenant you would prefer
You have rented an apartment recently, but you are facing some problems. Write a letter to the landlord: •Describe the details of the problems •How are these affecting your family •Ask for possible solutions
Q: Many people think living in high-rise apartment blocks makes people feel lonely and unhappy, while others argue that it has advantages. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the Landlord won't return your deposit. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter explain why you are writing ask for the return of your deposit inform the landlord of possible legal action
You have just moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend inviting them to come to your new home. In the letter you should: Explain why you moved. Describe your new home. tell them how to get to your apartment.
Some people think that the best way to reduce spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city centre with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree.Discuss both views and give your own opinion .
Some people think that the best way to reduce the fourth dimension spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with buildings apartments for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own public opinion
Some think the best way to reduce the time people spend in travelling to work is to replace the parks and gardens close to the city centres with apartment buildings where commuters can live, while other disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment a year ago. You left the apartment last month in good condition but the landlord won't return your deposit. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter, introduce yourself and say why you are writing ask for the return of your deposit inform the landlord of possible action if he/she does not agree to refund the amount Write at least 150 words.
You have a suggestion for a park near your apartment building. Write a letter to your city's council board. In your letter: Describe who you are and what your suggestion is Explain why you think this suggestion will improve the park Detail when you would like to see this suggestion in action Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Councilor,
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