50 Latest Colleague IELTS Topics

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You and a couple of your colleagues would like to participate in a work-related seminar. Write a letter to the person in charge of the seminar and ask for • detailed information regarding the dates • program schedule • Enquire about cost and possible discounts for groups
One of your colleagues is leaving for a new job, and your manager has asked you to arrange a farewell party for him/her. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, •suggest a suitable date and time for the party • recommend a place • discuss the food and entertainment options that should be available
Write a letter to one of your colleagues has recently been appointed as the new manager of the company. Introduce yourself Congratulate him/her on the promotion And ask for an appintment to discuss the problems in your section.
Each year, your company gives an Employee of the Year award to a worker who has performed exceptionally well. You believe that someone with whom you work should receive the award this year. Write a letter to your supervisor. In the letter - Describe your colleague’s job at the company - Describe a time you worked with this person - Explain why you believe this person deserves the award
Some businesses observe that people who just finished college have a hard time interacting with colleagues in working as a team. What do you think is the reason behind this? What are your suggestions to address this problem?
You are in a hospital with a broken leg. Your colleagues have sent you get well soon greeting cards and gifts. Write a letter to them and include: Thank them for everything Explain how you spend time in the hospital Inform them about your recovery process
A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter, you should say: what the presentation was about, why the presentation was important how the book helped you.
Write about the following topic: Some people think that it's a good idea to socialise with work colleagues during evenings and weekends. Other people think it's important to keep working life completely separate from social life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
You want to arrange a conference for your company, and you need to ask one of your colleagues to give a presentation in this conference. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter include: Details about the conference Why you want your colleague to give presentation What arrangement will you do for this conference
Write a letter to your colleague asking for help in setting up an equipment for your presentation. In your letter, you should: • tell when and where the presentation will deliver • describe your arrangements • say him/her what equipment you need.
Your manager has asked you to arrange a party for a colleague leaving the company. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter suggest a suitable date and time for the party recommend a venue propose the food and entertainment options that should be available.
One of your colleagues was in charge of organizing an annual executive conference, and he/she has been successful in doing it. You want to congratulate your colleague on that. Write a letter to this colleague. In your letter, • congratulate your colleague for successfully organizing the event • mention what you liked about it the most • say how much you would like him/her to organize other events as well
In many countries in the world, young generations start leaving their parents' homes once they finish high school. They start living on their terms or share a house with friends or colleagues. Is this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer.
Your colleague is traveling from another country by plane for a meeting. You have arranged the airport pickup, hotel accommodation and planned his/her meetings. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter, you should: •say when and where you will meet him/her •explain where he/she will stay • tell him/her about the other arrangements you made.
(Livia) You have a problem with a recently hired employee in your workplace. Write a letter to the HR manager. In your letter – Describe the problem the new employee has caused – Explain how other colleagues feel about the new employee’s conduct – Say how you expect the manager to address the situation.
There is an annual work party next month, which is held every year. Write a letter to your colleagues to co-arrange the party. In your letter: Say what would you do differently than last year Say what you think were some of the things not so good last year Suggest where to meet to plan for the party.
You want to arrange a conference for your company, and you need to ask one of your colleagues to give a presentation in this conference. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter include: 1. Details about the conference- 2. Why you want your colleague to give the presentation – 3. What arrangements you will do for this conference
Your colleague has invited you for his farewell party. You will not be able to attend the party, write a letter to your friend Explain the situation, Say why you will not be attending, Say something about the period you have worked together
Some people think that it is a good idea to socialize with colleagues after work and during weekends. Others think it's important to keep the work life completely separate from social life Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Some businesses find that their new employees lack in basic interpersonal skills such as lack of ability to work With colleagues as a team. What are the causes and suggest possible solutions
(SOFIA) You have a problem with a recently hired employee in your workplace. Write a letter to the HR manager. In your letter – Describe the problem the new employee has caused – Explain how other colleagues feel about the new employee’s conduct – Say how you expect the manager to address the situation.
You recently attended a training course for your work. Your employer has asked you for your feedback on the training course. Write a letter to your employe. In your letter • remind your employer what the course was about • explain why the course was useful to you in your work • suggest why the course may not be suitable for some of your other Colleagues
You recently attended a training course for your work. Your employer has asked you for your feedback on the training course. Write a letter to your employer. In your letter -remind your employer what the course was about -explain why the course was useful to you in your work -suggest why the course may not be suitable for some of your other colleagues
You are having some trouble with a work colleague. Write to your employer. In your letter 􀁸 Explain what the problem is 􀁸 Describe how it is affecting you 􀁸 Make a suggestion about what could be done
Write a letter to a hotel manager in another city for an upcoming 2-day business trip for you and your colleagues. Introduce yourself and colleagues Give information about the business meeting Tell other requests you might have
Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lack basic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it?
You will be celebrating your son’s 8th birthday next week. You want to invite one of your colleagues to attend the birthday party. Write an invitation letter to this college. In your letter, invite your colleague to your son’s birthday party give details of the party and its date and time say how happy you and your family would be to have him/her at the party
You've been asked to do a presentation and will need help setting up the equipment for it. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter let him/her know when and where the presentation will take place tell him/her what equipment you will need explain how he/she can help you.
To achieve personal happiness, the relationships we have with other people (friends, colleagues, family) are more essential than every other thing. Issues like wealth and occupations take the second place. Do you agree or disagree ?
You've been asked to do a presentation and will need help setting up the equipment for it. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter •let him/her know when and where the presentation will take place •tell him/her what equipment you will need •explain how he/she can help you
To achieve personal happiness, the relationships we have with other people (friends, colleagues, family) are more essential than other thing. Issues like wealth and occupations take the second place. Write to support the claim.
There is an annual work party next month, which is held every year. Write a letter to your colleagues to co- arrange the party. In your letter: • Say what would you do differently than last year • Say what you think were some of the things not so good last year • Suggest where to meet to plan for the party.
You recently attended training course for your work. Your employer has asked you for your feedback on the training course Write a letter to your employer. In your letter - remind your employer what the course was about - explain why the course was useful to you in your work - suggest why the course may not be suitable for some your other colleagues
Write a letter to a colleague who is hospitalized at the moment . In your letter you should Ask about his/her health Let him/her know what changes occurred since he /she has been hospitalized Also try to make him/her happy in some ways
You have been asked to do a presentation and you would need help with setting up the equipment. Write a letter to your colleague, in your letter: Let him/her know when and where the presentation will take place Tell him/her what equipment you will need Explain how him/her can help you
Some people do not mind to spend their leisure time with their colleagues while some people prefer to keep their private life separate from their work life. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Write a letter to your manager telling him about how sitting for long hours for your work has affected your health. In your letter you should mention; 1. What health problems are you facing. 2. Give suggestions as to about what changes can be brought about to reduce the health risks on you and on your colleagues. 3. How will these changes be beneficial to the company when it comes to future employees.
Your colleague is traveling from another country by plane for a meeting. You have arranged the airport pickup, hotel accommodation and planned his/her meetings. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter, – Say when and where you will meet him/her – Explain where he/she will stay – Tell him/her about the other arrangements you made.
[Adri]You have a problem with a recently hired employee in your workplace. Write a letter to the HR manager. In your letter – Describe the problem the new employee has caused – Explain how other colleagues feel about the new employee’s conduct – Say how you expect the manager to address the situation.
Some people think that it’s a good to socialise with work colleagues during evenings and weekends. Other people think it’s important to keep working life completely separate from social life. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
In achieving personal happiness, our relationships with family, friends and colleagues are more important than work and wealth. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write a letter to your colleagues. In your letter • remind your colleagues what the special occasion you were celebrating was • thank them for the card and gift • explain why you like the gift and how you will use it
Q. There is the annual work party next month, which is held every year. Write a letter to your colleagues to co-arrange the party. In your letter: • Say what would you do differently than last year • Say what you think were some of the things not so good last year • Suggest where to meet to plan for the party.
You and your colleagues want to use a company room. Write a letter to your manager and ask for permission. In your letter. Explain why you need the room. Describe which room you need and why. Tell what changes you'll need in the room.
Write a minimum of 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: You want to arrange a conference for your company, and you need to ask one of your colleagues to give a presentation in this conference. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter include: • Details about the conference • Why do you want your colleague to give a presentation? • What arrangement will you do for this conference?
Some business observe that new employees who just graduated from a college or university seem to lack interpersonal skills needed for communication with their colleagues. What could be the reason for this? What solution can help address this problem?
Your colleague recently gave you a book. You had a presentation, and this book helped you in the presentation. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter, • tell the topic of your presentation • why the presentation was important for you • how the book helped you in presentation
Every year, someone in the company where you work is chosen as best employee. Your manager has asked staff members to make suggestions about who should be chosen this year. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter • Identify a colleague who you think should be best employee • Explain what the job of this colleague involve. • Give reasons why the colleague should be chosen as best employee.
Write a letter to a colleague who gave you a book that helped you for presentation at work. Describe the presentation Why was it important? How did it help you?
One of your colleagues from another country comes to your office for an official meeting. Write a letter to him/her and say – Describe how to get from the airport to his/her hotel. – Describe the hotel he/she will be staying in. – Describe the arrangement for the meeting.counter
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