50 Latest Combat IELTS Topics

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Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation has not improved.what can the possibile reasons for environmental degradation?Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with reason and examples.
Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation have not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solution to combat this problem? Support your answers with specific reasons and example.
Modern medical science has made it possible to combat many diseases. This is one reason that people are living longer lives now than in the past. Discuss the effects this might have on society. Support your answer with reasons and examples from your own experience.
In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports. What are the consequences of doping for athletes? What measures should be taken to combat this issue?
Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment, but the situation has not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation (suy thoái, xấu đi)? Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
Some people think that developed countries have a higher responsibility to combat climate change than developing countries. Others believe that all countries should have the same responsibilities towards protecting the environment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Many people believe that the increasing prevalence of fast food is having a negative impact on public health. What are the causes of this trend, and what measures can be taken to combat it?
Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment, but the situation has not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
Some people in developed countries have a higher responsibility to combat climate change than developing countries. Others believe that all countries should have the same responsibility towards protecting the environment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
Some people think that developed conutries have a higher responsibility to combat climate changes than developing countries. other believe that all the countries should have the same responsibility towards protecting the environment. Discuss both these view and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevent example from your own knowledge or experiance.
Modern medical science has made it possible to combat many diseases. This is one reason that people are living longer lives now than they did in the past. Discuss the effects this might have on society.
It is responsibility of governments to protect the health of children by combating obesity. The government should enact laws against sugery drinks and fastfood restaurants, among the measure. Do you agree or disagree with the statement.
Some believe that the government should not be responsible for combating environmental issues that the international companies should take the mantle. Discuss both sides and give your opinion?
In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. What are the consequences of doping for athletes? What measures should be taken to combat this issue?
In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. What are the consequences of doping for athletes? What measure should be taken to combat this issue?
Some people think that developed countries have a higher responsibility to combat climatic change than developed countries. Others believe that all countries should have same responsibility towards protecting the environment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some countries are struggling with an increase in the rate of crime. Some believe that having more police on the streets is the best way to reduce and combat crime. To what extent do you agree?
Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believed that having more police on the streets is the best way to reduce and combat crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In many parts of the world, water sources are becoming more polluted what are the effects of this problem? what can be done to combat it?
Global warming is not caused by human activity. Changes in average temperatures throughout all climate zones are a normal phenomenon. Therefore, countries need not take any actions to combat global warming that would negatively impact their economies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
**In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.** **What are the consequences of doping for athletes?** **What measures should be taken to combat this issue?**
It is the responsibility of governments to protect the health of children by combating obesity. The governement should entact laws against sugary drinks and fast food restaurants among other measures. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.
Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believe that having more police on the streets is best way to reduce and combat crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the underlying causes? Who is responsible to combat this? What measures
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