50 Latest Difficulties IELTS Topics

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These days more and more people are going to other counties for significant period of time either to find a job or study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Topic: Study abroad can be highly motivational for students and also inspire their dreams. However, whilst studying abroad can have a number of positive effects on students, there are also many difficulties that they may meet along the way. With this is in mind, it is more advantages to study at home. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement ?
You have arranged to rent a new apartment, but will not be able to move in immediately due to some personal difficulties. Write a letter to the apartment owner. In your letter • describe the situation • explain why you won't be able to move in right now • say that you would like to move in at a later date
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign count
Topic: many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement ?
Study abroad can be highly motivational for students and also inspire their dreams. However, whilst studying abroad can have a number of positive effects on students, there are also many difficulties that they may meet along the way. With this is in mind, it is more advantages to study at home. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
These days, more and more people are goiung to other countries for significant period of time, either to find job or to study. there are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
Nowadays many people complain that they ahve difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can cause lack of sleep? What can be done about lack of sleep?
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep course? What can be done about lack of sleep?
More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You have a problem with the computer at the office which has affected your work Write a letter to your manager and say What problem do you have What difficulties does this create for you What could be done about it.
These days more and more people are going to other countries for a significant period of time either to find a job or study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods, either to find a job or to study. There are many benefits to doing this, but people living abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
These days more and more people are going to other countries for a significant period of time either to find a job or study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home beause of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in different culture.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Write about the following topic Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep? Give reasons for your answer
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss tge advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Disscuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in foreign country. Give reason from for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Many children these days face difficulties to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the causes of this situation? What could be the possible solutions?
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause What can be done about lack of sleep tiredness darkcircles
Write about the following topic: More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Write your response not less than 250 words. You get 40 minutes to complete this task
You have arranged to rent a new apartment, but will not be able to move in immediately due to some personal difficulties. Write a letter to the apartment owner. In your letter -describe the situation -explain why you won't be able to move in right now -say that you would like to move in at a later date.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvatages of working and living in a foreign country.
People who are learning a foreign language can face a number of difficulties. What are some of these problems? In your opinion, what are the best ways to overcome these difficulties?
You are Dimitar Borisov/Elena Borisova. You stayed at a holiday resort recommended by your travel agent. However, you did not enjoy your stay due to a number of difficulties. Write a formal letter complaining about the service the hotel offers.
Write about the following topic: Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep?
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep? 1)Tiredness 2)Dark circles
The migration of people from farming areas to municipalities to work can create severe difficulties in both places. What are the serious problem ? What measures can be taken to solve these problems.
Question : Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. •What problems can lack of sleep cause? •What can be done about lack of sleep?
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either, to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also see some difficulties discuss of advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant period of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. What are the advantage and disadvantage of the trend?
Going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You recently visited a museum with your old friend and some difficulties during the visit. Write a letter to museum management Why you visited the museum What the problem was What can be done to solve this problem
More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. What are the reasons for this movement? Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city.
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significants periods of time, either to find a job or to study.there are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about leg of sleep?
These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant period of time,either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing thos, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss tha advantages and disadvantages of living and working in foreign country.
Studying abroad can be highly motivational for students and also inspire their dreams. However, whilst studying abroad can have a number of positive effects on students, there are also many difficulties that they may meet along the way. With this in mind, it is more advantageous to study at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
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