Many countries today are expecting high level of migration from rural area to cities what are the causes of this trend, and what effects does it have on the existing city dwellers?
Many countries today are experiencing high levels of migration from rural areas to cities. What are the causes of this trend, and what effects does it have on the existing city dwellers?
The best way to deal with the rising problem of traffic and transportation is by encouraging people to live in cities rather than in suburbs and in the countryside. What are the effects of rapid population growth in the city? How can the quality of life of city dwellers be maintained?
Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists from other regions of the country and from abroad. It seems that they’re less attractive for local dwellers. Why is this the case? What can be done to attract local people? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
"City planners" new design include setting up schools, markets, and commercial places(offices) in different areas of the city. Do you think it will help the city dwellers?
The best way to solve traffic and transport problems is to encourage people to live in cities rather than in surburbs or countryside. What are the effects of rapid population growth in the city? How can the quality of life of city dwellers be maintained?
City planners’ new designs include setting up schools, markets and commercial places (like office) in different areas of the city. Do you think it will help the city dwellers?
The best way to solve the traffic and transportation problem is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs or countryside. What are the effects of rapid population growth in the city? How can the quality of life city dwellers be maintain?