Now a day the surveillance is happening at almost all public places. Is it good or perceived bad by people? What are advantages and disadvantages?
Surveillance cameras in banks, officers, shops and streets have been very successful in reducing crime in the workplace and in public, but they are also a tool for their users to spy on people private business. What problems do the use of surveillance cameras create? Is there any solution?
In many cities, the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom. Do the advantages of video surveillance outweigh the disadvantages?
Surveillance cameras in banks, offices, shops and streets have been very successful in reducing crime in the workplace and public, but they are also took for their users to spy on people's private business. what problems do surveillance cameras create? what are the solutions?
Surveillance cameras in bank, offices, shops and streets have been very successful in reducing crime in the work place and in public, but they are also a tool for their users to spy on people’s private business. What problems do the use of Surveillance cameras create? Are there any solution? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge.