50 Latest Film IELTS Topics

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Some people feel that entertainers( e.g. film stars,pop musicians or sports star) are paid too much money. Do u agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid? Give reasons for your answer with relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some information in films, books and on the Internet has a negative influence on young people. Some people think that such information should be controlled. Give your opinion on both sides of view use your own experience and example.
Some people think that schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computers instead. To what extent do you agree?
In the modern world, the image (photograph or film) is becoming a more powerful way of communicating than the written word. To what extent do you agree or disagree
Online films streaming has become the latest entertainment option for people, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic that happened two years earlier. What is the cause for this phenomenon? Will online films streaming outweigh the popularity of going directly to a cinema?
Some people feel that entertainer (e.g film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?
13 TEST 3 TASK 2 Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crime in society. To what etent do you agree or disagree with this issue.
The table below shows the cinema viewing figures for films by country, in millions. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Some people think it is good for a country’s culture to import better films and shows from other countries while others believe that it is better to make their own films and shows. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Creative artists should always have the freedom to express their ideas (in paintings, books, films and songs) in anyway they wish. The government should not restrict what they do. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to show imported foreign film and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. films stars, pop musicians or sports starts) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Wich other types of job should be highly paid?
Some people think it is good for countries culture to show imported foreign films and TV programs. others thing its better to produce them locally discuss both views and give your opinion
The line graph illustrates how much money was spent on watching films in 3 primary forms namely cinemas, DVDs and legal download as well as the percentage split among the three forms given in the pie charts.
Some people feel that entertainers for example film starts,pop musicians or sports starts are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree. Which other types of job should be highly paid.
These days, many films and pieces of music are free online. Is this a positive or negative development? Write your reasons and use examples from your experience.
Some people think that singers’ and film stars’ salaries are unreasonable. They buy too many goods and care too little about other people. To what extent do you think this is true? Should anything be done to change the situation?
Some people think that books should be stopped in schools and that videos, computers and films should be used instead. To what extent do you agree?
It is not necessary for people to travel to other places to learn about the culture. We can learn as much as from books, films and the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
These days people pay more attention to famous film stars than to famous scientists. Why is this happening? Explain the trend giving reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Some people think that parents should tell stories or read to their children. However, others believe that these days this isn’t necessary as children have so many other sources for stories, such as books, films and TV. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Being a celebrity- such as a famous film star or sports personality- brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?
Government should regulate the level of violence in films in the television and in cinema. Some think they should not be regulated. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The government should control the amount of violence in films and televisions in order to decrease violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Films and computers games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Others say they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious”. Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than the present. Do you agree or disagree?
Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, picture, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people feel that entertainers (eg film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid?
Some people think that parents should read stories to their children while others argue that this is no longer necessary as we have modern technology such as television and films. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas through words, pictures, music or films. Some people nevertheless think that the government should restrict artist’ freedom of expression. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Reading books keeps a person’s mind active, whereas watching films and TV is passive and does not require a person to use their imaginations. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Films and games can be accessed at any time from mobile devices like smart phones, tablets and laptop computer. Do the advantages of such development outweigh the disadvantage? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to control violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this action?
Letter to a Cinema Manager Write a letter to the manager of a cinema (movie theatre) about a jacket you have left behind after a film. In your letter: Describe the jacket Describe where you were seated Explain what you want to be done
Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in word, picture, music or films) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people think that advertisement between films is wasting time and some people says it has lots of benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view.
Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports star) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?
It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn just as much from books, films and the internet. Do you agree or disagree?
There is a big number of people who wish to live in big cities. Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities, Include reason and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in term of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Some people say that now we can see films on our tablets and phones and there is no need to go to the cinema. Other say that to fully enjoy the film, we must watch it in the theater. Discuss both sides and give your opinion
Computer games and films containing violence are popular today. Some people think that these are harmful for our society and the government should ban them. Other argue that such games and films are fine for entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You recently went to the cinema and think that you left something that belongs to you there. Write a letter to the cinema manager. In your letter say when you were at the cinema and which film you saw describe what item you have lost and where you think you left it tell the manager what you want him/her to do
The chart below shows the annual number of rentals and sales( in various formats) of film from a particular store between 2002 and 2011. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Nowadays,it is not only large studios that are able to make films.Digital film making now enables anyone to make films.Do you think this is a positive or negative development
Some people feel that entertainers such as film stars, pop musicians, or sports stars are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid?
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.(comics,books,radio,TV,film theatre) give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience
Some people say tht now we can see films on our phones and tablts there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films, need to be seen in a cinema. Discuss both· these,views and give your on .opinion.
Differences between countries are becoming less evident. Nowadays people are watching the same films, brands, advertisements and TV channels. To what extent do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advanatges?
Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality – brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?
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