50 Latest Hand IELTS Topics

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Because of modern technology, some people believe that it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skills, but others believe that handwriting is still an important skill. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
All The internet allows us to stay connected each other no atter where we are. On the other hand, it also isolates us and encourages people not to socialise. To what extend do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Some people believe that because of modern technology, it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skills, but others think that handwriting is still an important skill. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
E-mail is now the easiest way to communicate with families and friends all over the world. Some people say that it does not have the sincerity of handwritten letters. Do you agree or disagree?
Because of modern technology, it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skill, but others believe that handwriting is still an important skill. Discuss both and give your opinion.
Last year many famous pop and sports stars earned millions of dollars each. Many other entertainment and sports personalities also have very high incomes.On the other hand,most people in ordinary professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the incomes of these stars. What do you think about stars receiving very high salaries? IS IT fair that people with jobs that directly help people are paid much less? give reasons for your answer.
A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans. On the other hand, other argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various need, including uses for food and research. What is your opinion?
Fewer and fewer people today write by hand using a pen, pencil or brush. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experiences and developing soft skill is more important. Discuss both view and give ur opinion
Your university lecturer gave you an assignment. You won’t be able to submit your assignment on time. Write to your lecturer asking for an extension. In the letter describe the situation explain why your assignment will be late say when you will be able to hand in your assignment You should write at least 150 words.
Some people think that hard work and determination are the keys to success in life. Some, on other hand, think that there are other factors behind a successful life. Give your opinion.
Some people have the opinion that big shopping malls are expensive places as they offer high costs for the products which can be bought at much cheaper prices from local shops. On the other hand, some people think that such malls are absolutely the best places to visit for shopping. Discuss both the opinions and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your ans
Many jobs used to be done at home by hand, but now a days an increasing number of them are done using machines instead. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this development.
With the increase in computer use, many people feel that schools do not need to put the emphasis that they used to on basic handwriting skills or mathematics skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experince and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Many things which were done in the home by hand in the past are now done by machines. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Last Wednesday you flew from London to Vancouver. When you arrived home, you discovered that you had left your hand luggage on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter, you should explain: where and when you lost your bag what your bag looks like what its contents were
It is a widely belief that leaders are born. On the other hand, people believe that leadership can be learned. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Topic 10: Some believe that children should be taught from a young age how to handle money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Completing universities education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Fewer and fewer people today write by hand using a pen, pencil or brush. (# typing) What are the reasons for this? Is the decline in writing by hand a positive or negative development?
Some people believe that traditional music album and single consumption is vital for the music industry. On the other hand, others think that digital streaming and downloading play bigger roles. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many people are opting to buy second handed products instead of new ones. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.
Last Wednesday you flew from London to Vancouver. When you arrived home, you discovered that you had left your hand luggage on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter, you should explain: * where and when you lost your bag * what your bag looks like * what its contents wer
The increasing trend of buying second-hand clothes and items is a positive development for society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and development soft skill in more important Discus both views and give your opinion’
Some people think that Hardwork hands in achieving financial success working hard does not contribute to financial success discussible both views and give your opinion
Some people argue that there punishment for committing a certain crime for all criminals who carry it out. On hand, others suggest that the comditions under which the criminal commits a crime should be taken into consideration before deciding the punishment. How far do you agree or disagree with the arguments presented ?
Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines. Does this develomeng bring more advantages or disadvantages.
Some people have the opinion that big shopping malls are expensive places as they offer high costs for the products which can be bought at much cheaper prices from local shops. On the other hand, some people think that such malls are absolutely the best places to visit for shopping. Discuss both the opinions and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people say that in our modern age because of advancement in digital technology it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skills, but others believe handwriting is still an important skill. Discuss these views and state you opinion.
Last Monday you flew from Mumbai to Bangalore. When you reached home, you discovered that you had left your hand bang on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter you have to explain: Where and when you lost the bag What your bag looks like What its contents were
You recently bought a second-hand car from a company that sells used cars, but the car developed some problems. You have phoned, left messages and sent emails, but you have not heard anything from the company that sold you the car. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter explain the problems you have had in contacting the company, and explain your dissatisfaction describe the problems with the car tell the manager what you want him to do
Some people believe citizens should be allowed to carry handguns in order to protect themselves, while others think this can lead to many social security problems in the society . What's your opinion ?
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a job.On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Disscuss both sides and give your opinion.
Completing university is thought be syme to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and dveloping soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Healthcare should not be provided for free regardless of a person's income. The health of an individual is in their own hands. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many would argue that scientific research requires a degree of oversight from the relevant governmental authorities. In my opinion, properly handled, this is a sensible and necessary policy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
The internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand , it is also isolates us and encourages people not to socialize. To what extend do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Many people now undertake extreme activities, from hand gliding to mountain climbing. Why do people risk their lives in this way? Do you think it is a good trend?
Some people belive that because of modern technology, it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skills, while others think that handwriting is still an important skill. Discuss both views.
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both side and give your opinion.
Q. Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people believe citizens should be allowed to carry handguns in order to protect themthelves, while others think this can lead to many social security problems in the society. What is your opinion? Use specific rsasons to support your answer.
Many would argue that scientific research requires a degree of oversight from the relevant governmental auhorities. In my opinion, properly handled, this is a sensible and necessary policy. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
In recent years, there has been a rise in the popularity of second-hand clothing amongst the younger generation. Why is this happening? Do you think it’s a positive or negative development?
Some students do very well at school and never have problems while others fall behind. Are they capable of handling this challenge themselves or should teachers and parents help them? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
The Internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand, it also isolates us and encourages people not to socialize. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The children need to learn discipline from their parents. On the other hand, teachers also can teach them discipline. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Traffic jams are considered one of the major obstacles that face large towns around the world. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this problem and suggest possible solutions that can be implemented to handle it.
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