The pie chart represents the types of careers that Antropology graduates after completing their Bachelor’s degree course from one University. The table displays the wages after five years of working in this particular field.
The pie chart illustrates several destinations of anthropology alumni from one university after they finished their bachelor degree and the table gives information on the payment of the anthropology graduates after working for 5 years.
You are applying for a job. As well as attaching a CV, you need to write a cover letter explaining your reasons for choosing this particular job at this particular company, and why you would be a good hire. Things to include are:
1. Possible qualifications or reasons for you to be hired: bachelor degree, 3 years as a sales manager
2. Your energy and enthusiasm for the job
3. Your past experience in a similar position.
You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.
Write a letter to this friend. In your letter
- Give details of your studies
⁃Explain why you want to get a part-time job
⁃Suggest how you friend could helo you find a job
You want to apply to a private college seeking admission for a bachelor degree. You are experiencing financial problems at the moment and can not get admitted to the college without some help.
Write a letter to the Principal of the college explaining your situation and ask for information on scholarships or other means of financial help available.
You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.
Write a letter to this friend. In your letter
- Give details of your studies
Explain why you want to get a part-time job
Suggest how you friend could helo you find a job