50 Latest Holidays IELTS Topics

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In the future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?
You looked after a friend’s house while he/she was away on holidays. While you were there, you broke one of the windows. Write to your friend. In the letter, Explain what happened Apologise for breaking the window Say how you are going to fix the issue
You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the Director of the Museum. In your letter, • Introduce yourself • Explain what experience and special skills you have • Explain why you are interested in the job Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows – Dear Sir/Madam,
Some people say that people should have a different amount of holidays according to their job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Write a letter to your friend in another country where you like to visit for the holidays. In your letter, you should: •explain your travel plans •describe the interesting places you plan to visit •ask for suggestions for sightseeing options.
Employees should be allowed to enjoy longer holidays to remain motivated and attached to their employer. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Some people believe that holidays are necessary for students, others think that children should not have holidays because it is just a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?
In future more people will choose to go to holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holidays. Do you agree or disagree?
Due to the low cost of flights, many people are choosing to holiday abroad rather than have holidays in their own country. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this.
Some people think it is better for children to have many short holidays during the year. Others believe that it would be beneficial to have fewer, longer vocations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write a letter to your friend in another country where you like to visit for the holidays. In your letter, you should: • explain your travel plans • describe the interesting places you plan to visit • ask for suggestions for sightseeing options.
As technology advances, traveling to space is likely to become an option for holidaysmakers in the future. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of space tourism?
Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Some people think it is better for children to have many short holidays during the academic year. Others believe that it would be beneficial to have fewer and longer vacations for children. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that we should celebrate National Holidays, Whilst others oppose the idea and say that the Government should invest this money in health and education. Discuss Both Views and What is your personal opinion in this regard.
36 . According to those in travel business, the nature of every native holiday in changing. Rather than have a relaxing break, people want to challenge themselves to do adventure on their holidays. Do you agree or disagree ?
Some people think it is better to have many short holidays during the years. Others believe it would be beneficial to have fewer longer vacation. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
In the future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday? Do you ageree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience
For some people, the ideal holiday is to get away from their normal routine by staying in a hotel or camping in a countryside. Others prefer to stay at home and do things they do not normally have time for. What do you think are the benefits of going away on holidays? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the future, more people will chose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holidays. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organized for them and they take little interest in the country they are visiting. Others prefer to travel around the country and to see how the people live, to get to know their customs and traditions and cuisine. Write an essay on which type of foreign travel you think is best for both the tourist and the local community.
Employers should give its staff at least four weeks ofholidays a year to make employees do better in their jobs.To what extent do you agree or disagree
All the people in a company should be treated equally and provide with the same number of holidays in a year or people doing different jobs enjoy different amounts of holiday time. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Write a letter to your friend in another country where you like to visit for the holidays. In your letter, you should: Explain your travel plans. Describe the interesting places you plan to visit. Ask for suggestion for sightseeing options.
You visited a hotel during your holidays, You were greatly impresses. Write a letter to the hotel authorities thanking them for the service and facilities provided to you.
Over the past few decades, international travel has become more affordable and many people now choose overseas holidays. As a result, tourism is becoming a profitable industry in many countries. However, despite the benefits, tourism can also create problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
Governments spend a lot of money on public event including national holidays, public and religious festivals. Some people say that the governments spends too much on this and that should use this money on other major things. Do you agree or disagree?
You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter: introduce yourself explain what experience and special skills you have explain why you are interested in the job
Employers should give staff at least four weeks holidays a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You have seen an advertisement in a newspaper for a job in the city post office during your holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the post office. In your letter, • introduce yourself • explain what experience and special skills you have • explain why you are interested in the job
Some people think that employers should give its staff at least four weeks holidays a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Governments spend a lot of money on public celebrations such as national holidays and public festivals .Some people say that the government spends too much on this and that they should use this money on other useful things .Do you agree or disagree.
Today more people are spending their holidays abroad. What in your opinion are the primary reasons of this? What are the main effects of this trend on the local touristic attractions?
More and more people are travelling internationally for their holidays but it is expensive and bad for the environment. Do the advantages of international travel for the individual outweigh the disadvantages?
According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average 'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want exitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree or disagree?
In the future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country, and not to travel aboard on holiday. Do you agree or disagree? disagree moving to other contrie for job so they likke to visit india
Some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organized for them and they take little interest in the country they are visiting. Others prefer to travel around the country and to see how the people live, to get to know their customs and traditions and cuisine. What do you think is best for both the tourists and local community?
The chart below gives information on the percentage of British people taking holidays at home, abroad or both or no holidays for the year 2014 and 2015
It is becoming increasingly popular for people to tourist destinations during public holidays. What problems does this causes? What solutions are these to this problems.
In the future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Discuss both views and give your advantage and disadvantages?
Last month you had an overseas holiday with some friends, where you stayed at their house. They have just sent you some holidays photos Write a letter to your friends. In your letter *thank them for the holidays and the photos *explain why you did not write earlier *Invite them to come and stay with you
According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average “holiday” is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree or disagree
Most people enjoy holidays and travel and tourism is a billion-dollar industry. All over the world people are traveling either for business or pleasure or both. People who can afford to or have free time go away frequently for short holidays or on weekends. Others who are working or studying try to take a holiday at least once a year, away from home and work or studies. What are the benefits of travel? Give good reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
All the people in a company should be treated equally and provided with the same number of holidays in a year. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think it is better to have many short holidays during the year. Others believe it would be beneficial to have fewer, longer vacations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is becoming increasingly popular for people to travel to tourist destinations during public holidays. What problems does this cause? What solutions are there to these problems?
You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter: •introduce yourself •explain what experience and special skills you have •explain why you are interested in the job
Some employers want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays and beyond work hours. Many people say that this is a positive development while others say that this is a negative development. Discuss both the viewpoints and give your opinion.
The length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies from job to job. Do you think people should have the same number of holidays regardless of their occupation? Explain your answer.
"According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average 'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree or disagree?"
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