50 Latest Manager IELTS Topics

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One of your colleagues is leaving for a new job, and your manager has asked you to arrange a farewell party for him/her. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, suggest a suitable date and time for the party recommend a place discuss the food and entertainment options that should be available Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses
You recently notice a local restaurant offering a part time job Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager. In your letter •Explain that you would like to apply for this job •Give some details of relevant experience that you have •specify the date and time that would suit for you You should write at least 150 words You don’t write any address
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another countryz. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter - explain why you want to work in the company's head office for six months - say how your work could be done while you are away - ask for his/her help in arranging it
You work for an international company and would like to spend six months working in its head office. In another country. Write a letter to your manager in your letter. •Explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months. •Say how your work could be done while you are away. •Ask for his help in arranging it.
You work for an international company,and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. write a letter to your manager.in your letter explain why you want to work in the companys hear office for six months say how your work could be done while you are away ask for his/her help in arranging it
You have been doing some voluntary work to help your local community. However, now you are unable to continue doing this work. Write a letter to the manager of the organisation where you have been working. In your letter: - describe the work yoy have been doing - explain why you can no longer do this work - recommend another person who is interested in the work
You have recently flown to another country on a business trip. You were satisfied with the flight, but didn’t like services at the airport. Write a letter to the airport manager and say – Give your flight details. – Why were you disappointed? – Suggest some improvements to the airport services.
You are organizing a seminar for your company. Write a letter to the manager of another department inviting them to give a presentation at the seminar. In your letter, • give details of the seminar • invite them to give a presentation and say why you are inviting them • say what the presentation should be about You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
Recently you issued a cheque to someone, but when that person presented the cheque to the bank, it was returned with these words ‘Returned for lack of sufficient funds”. You are sure that there is sufficient balance in your account. -Write a letter to the bank manager. In your letter, -give him particulars about your cheque -tell him that the cheque has bounced for no valid reason -request him to look into the matter
You forgot an item of clothing at the hotel where you stayed recently. Write a letter to the hotel manager and include the following: – When did you stay and in what room? – Describe the item you left behind. – What would you like the manager to do about it?
You recently stayed in a hotel and an employee was very helpful to you. Write a letter to the hotel management to tell them what happened. In your letter: Describe the situation Explain what happened Say what you would like the manager to do
2019-12-07: Task 1 You went on a trip and found that the guide was really helpful. Write a letter to the tour company manager. In your letter, you should: •describe the tour •tell what you liked about the tour guide •recommend manager ways/methods to appreciate the tour guide
There have been some problems with public transport in your area recently. Write a letter to the manager of the transport company. In your letter x describe the problems x explain how these problems are affecting the public x suggest some changes that could be made
You are due to move into a rented apartment next week but you will not be able to due to an unexpected problem. Write a letter to the property manager. In your letter 1) Explain the situation 2) Describe your problems 3) Tell him/her when you think you can move in Write at least 150 words. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Ms. Williams
You read an advertisement about in the local newspapers about a discount sale at a particular shop. However, when you meet to buy the goods you wanted, you found the sale had ended. Write to the shop manager. In your letter, -inform him/her where and when you went to the shop -what you felt when you came to know that the sale had ended -demand compensation for the goods you wanted to buy
The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library's manager, in your letter include: -A brief introduction of yourself -Your experience and relevant skills. -Why you want the job
On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter -describe the item you lost -explain how you lost it -tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You had a job during the summer vacation, but the payment you received was not right. Write to the manager to state the following: 1) describe what has happened, 2) the work you did and how much you should have earned, and 3) what you want to happen next. You should write at least 150 words.
You use the local swimming pool often and during one of your visit you have encountered a problem. Write a letter to the manager and say – What the problem was and when it happened – What the swimming pool staff have done about it – Suggest your own solution to the problem.
You ordered two items through the internet and you received two different items. Write a letter to the manager: Explain about what you ordered. Ask why the two other items were different. Ask about how he would solve this problem.
RWrite a letter to your manager to request setting up a cafeteria for the staff. In your letter, you should tell: what you heard about the inconvenience from the staff how you feel about it what suggestions you have.
You are part of a group of musicians who meet on Tuesday and Friday evenings to practise in the community hall. You have been told, however, that it is no longer possible for the group to use the hall. Write a letter to the manager. In the letter:
Your company has sent you on a three-month course in another country. The course is coming to an end but you would like to prolong your stay. Write a letter to your manager, in your letter: Describe how the course has benefited you Explain why you would like to delay your return Suggest a date when you would like to come back
You use the local swimming pool often and during one of your visits you have encountered a problem. Write a letter to the manager and say – What the problem was and when it happened – What the swimming pool staff have done about it – Suggest your own solution to the problem.
You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you return home, you found you had left some important papers at the hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. -Explain the problem. -Say why the documents are important. -Suggest a solution.
You have bought furniture from a store. When you received, there were some damages. Write a letter to the concerned store manager. In your letter, you should: Give information about the furniture. Explain the damage Ask the manager to solve your issue.
You missed an important meeting at work. Write a letter to your manager. In the letter: -apologize for not attending -explain why you did not attend - say what you will do to make up for it
You have recently been in a sports centre and noticed some issues in the changing rooms. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the centre and say – What was the problem? – Explain why it is bothering you. – Suggest a possible solution.
Your company has recently introduced a new work uniform. You are mostly happy with the uniform, but there is one thing that you do not like. Write a letter to your manager. In the letter say what you like about the uniform explain what you don’t like about the uniform suggest how the uniform can be improved
Write a letter to a city planning manager about demolition of a historical building in your area and say – Explain why it shouldn’t be demolished. – Suggest a future use for this building. – Recommend a way to raise money for repairs.
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter -explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months -say how your work could be done while you are away -ask for his-her help in arranging it
You recently had a meal in a restaurant, but you were not happy with the service that you received. Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter * tell him/her why you had chosen this restaurant for your meal * explain why you were not happy with the service you received. * say what you would like the manager to do about this.
You know what a building company Is planning to build new houses in immediate proximity to your house. Write a letter to the manager of the company.
You ride a bicycle to work, but there is a problem with the parking. Write a letter to the manager of the Parking Management Company.
You are soon going to spend three months doing work experience in an organisation. Write a letter to the manager of the organisation where you are going to do work experience. In your letter -Thank the manager for the opportunity to do work experience -Explain what you hope to learn from the work experience -Ask some questions about the work experience you are going to do
You recently had your computer fixed at a local computer store, however, you are not pleased with the service you received. Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter: •describe the situation • explain why you are dissatisfied • say what you want the manager to do
One of your friends wants to apply for a job at a summer school camp as a sports trainer. Write a letter to the camp manager to recommend your friend.
On a recent holiday, you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter ● describe the item you lost ● explain how you lost it ● tell the insurance company what you would like them to do. Begin your letter as follows:
There is a problem with the changing rooms in the sports centre that you visit. You have complained several times but with no success. Write a letter to the manager of the sports centre. In your letter: ● Describe what the problem with the changing rooms is ● Say what happened the last time you complained ● Explain what you want the manager to do
On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter explain the you lost • tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter: explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months say how your work could be done while you are away ask for his/her help in arranging it
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Your department had been given additional work at a company you work for which is creating problems. Write a letter to your manager. In it - Explain what the additional work is. - What problems are you facing due to extra work - Offer a solution to solve You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address.
You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter - say what the participants liked about the hotel - explain why they were unhappy about the food -suggest what the manager should do to improve the food in future
You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and service. Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter: give details of your visit to the restaurant explain the reason for the celebration say what was good about the food and the service Write at least 150 words. Dear Sir/ Madam,
You recently visited a foreign country and gost some information at the Tourist Information Centre. The information given to you was wrong. Write a letter to the centre manager and explain:  what was the information required  how was the wrong information provided?  what problem did you have because of this?
You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter • say what the participants liked about the hotel • explain why they were unhappy about the food • suggest what the manage should clo to improve the foocl in future
Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train. In your letter •give the details of your train trip •describe the luggage you left on the train •say what actions you want him/her to take.
You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter •say what the participants liked about the hotel •explain why they were unhappy about the food •suggest what the manager should do to improve the food in future
You have seen an adverstisement for weekend work in a hotel in the town where you are staying. You have worked in a hotel before and think that the job would be suitable for you. You must apply in writing. Write a letter to the hotel manager expressing your interest. In your letter . Introduce yourself . Explain why you think you would be suitable for the job . ask what work you would be expected to do
You have visited another city in your country. Prior to the visit you requested some information from a tourist centre, but the information was incorrect. Write a letter to the manager of the centre and say - What information were you looking for? - What was incorrect in it? - What happened to you because of it.
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