50 Latest Method IELTS Topics

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The diagrams below show two methods of using water to produce electricity. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Nowadays, some people like to give help to the local community. Other people prefer to give money to national and international organizations. Discuss both methods and give your own opinion on which is better.
Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Interview form the basic selection criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that interview is not a reliable method of choosing whom to employ and there are better methods. To what extent to you agree or disagree?
Interviews are the basic selecting criteria for most companies. However, some people think interviews are not a reliable method and there are better methods. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent years, farming practice has changed to include methods such as factory farming and the use of technology to improve crops. Some people believe these developments are necessary, while others regard them as dangerous and advocate a return to more traditional farming methods. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree?
In the past lectures were the traditional methods of teaching large numbers of students. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students. Do the advantages of this new approach outweigh the disadvantages?
Some of the method used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today society.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.
Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more affective methods. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
A longer prison term as a way of punishing those who break the law is not as good as other method. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are infective, and at worst they may be dangerous. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society. To what extent do you agree with this view? As well as making money, do businesses also have a responsibility towards society?
An English-speaking friend has written to you to ask you how your English studies are going.
 Write a letter telling your friend about your progress. In your letter say what progress you are making describe the study methods and any materials you are using say what you find most difficult
Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this is the best way to do it, or are there better alternatives? What is the best method of choosing employees in your opinion?
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experiences
currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative medicine.However, at best these methods are ineffective , and at worst they may be dangerous. To what extend do you agree with this statement?
certain people believe that the only way to reduce crime is sentencing criminals for longer time period, while others believe alternative methods should be used to lower crimes. Discuss both sides and give your opinions.
Write about the following topic: Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
There are two methods of studying, one is rote learning and the second is meaningful learning. Discuss both types of learning with examples and give your own opinion.
the graph shows different methods of disposal. Summarize the information
Examinations are one of the most common methods of measuring learning in education systems throughout the world. At virtually every stage of the learning process, exams are used to verify that the learner is ready to move on to the next stage. However, many people believe that the role of examinations should be reconsidered. There are clearly certain advantages to exams. They help to ensure fairness by imposing the same conditions on all exam candidates. They are also relatively versatile; different types of exam questions, for example, multiple-choice questions and essay tasks, can test different sorts of reasoning ability. However, exams also have clear drawbacks. Test-wise candidates can often perform well on exams without having good underlying knowledge or skills. On the other hand, some test-takers perform poorly in exams simply because of anxiety. Some teachers and learners focus only on those aspects of the curriculum that are likely to be tested, thus narrowing the educational experience for all. A number of measures should be taken to address these concerns. Wherever possible, exams should match the content and activities of the learning environment. Exam tasks should be varied to give fair opportunities to candidates with different types of skills. Other types of assessment should also be considered; assignment writing, for example, to assess independent learning and research skills, or group projects, to measure teamwork ability. Exams clearly have a role to play in ensuring proper, objective assessment of achievement. However, exams need to be carefully designed and supplemented with other forms of assessment if they are to be a truly useful component of the educational system.
Some people believe that using modern technology (digital photographs, blogs) is the best way to record and remember important personal events. Others think traditional methods (making photo albums, writing diaries) are better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some believe that teaching children at home is the best for child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion.
Some teachers say students should be organized into group study. Others argue that students should be made to study alone. Discuss the benefits of both and state the more effective method in your opinion.
the best way to cut down crime rate is by building more prisons and giving longer sentences. do you agree or disagree? what other methods are there to control the crime rate?
Interviews form the basic selection criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that an interview is not in reliable method of choosing whom to employ and there are other better methods. To what extent do - you agree or disagree?
One of your penfriends wants to improve their English at a language school. They have never studied at a language school before and have asked for your advice on how to choose a good one. write a letter to your penfriend, Advise them about the following; the teaching method,the number of students in class and the number of hours per week. write 150 words
Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay it. Others think there are more effective methods. Discuss both view and give you own opinion.
A longer prison term as a way of punishing those who break the law is not as good as other methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Learning English language in an English speaking country is easy, but not the only methodology. Do you agree or disagree?
The chart below shows the preferred method of communication for 18–30 years old in three different years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Something newspaper are the best method for reading the news while other think media is better discussion both sides and give your own opinion
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinions give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowlede or experience.
Some studies suggest that children spend more time watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active and creative things. Why do you think this is happening? What measures and methods can be used to solve the issue
n the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
Topic: Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think that there are more effective methods. Discuss both views and give your opinion
The chart below provides information on the methods of waste disposal in four European countries.
Fast food has become so popular worlwide that it is destroying the nutritional quality of food.what do you think because of this the traditional food and cooking method is being forgotten. Do you agree or disagree with the statement give reasons for you answer.
The charts below show the main methods of transportation for people travelling to one university for work or study in 2004 and 2009.
Interviews from the basic selection criteria for last companies. However, some people think that interview is not reliable method of choosing whom to employ and there are other better methods. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The charts show the main methods of transportation for people travelling to a university for work or study in 2004 and 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Currently there is a trend towards the use of conventional medicine. However at best these methods are ineffective and at worst they may be dangerous . To what extend do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Many feel that going to the gyms is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more effective methods. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that teaching children at home is the best for a children's development while others think it is important for children to go to school. Discuss both advantages of each method and give your own opinion.
Some people think that interview is an unreliable way for a company to recruit new staff, and there are better selection methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
TOPIC: Nowadays, some people like to give help to the local community or provide people with direct help. Other people prefer to give money to national and international organizations. Discuss both methods and give your own opinion on which is better.
goverments fail to protect animals. Discuss this problem and have some methods to deal with it
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society. To what extent do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Giver reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience
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