50 Latest Months IELTS Topics

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The bar charts depict the percentage of diverse age groups purchasing concert, cinema, theatre tickets online during the first three months of 2013, common internet access in the UK, Australia, Malaysia.
You have had a problem with your neighbor for the past few months. You have not been able to meet with your neighbor to discuss the problem. Write a letter to your neighbor. In your letter: Explain the problem Suggest a solution Say what action you will take if the situation does not improve
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six year old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter, Explain why you would like the job Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ. Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia. Write at lease 150 words.
A friend has offered you some work in this company. You are currently employed and not able to start for three months. Write a reply to your friend. In your letter: -Give details of what you know about his company. -Explain your current situation. -Give your answer to the offer and explain why.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with family fr 6 months and look after their 6-months old child. Write a letter to the parents: Explain why you would like the job. Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
A friend has offered you some work in his company. You are currently employed and not able to start for 3 months. Write a reply to your friend. In your letter: – give details of what you know about his company. – explain your current situation. – Give your answer to the offer and explain why
The Table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months.
In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian Magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-years old Child. Write a letter to the parents, in your letters • Explain why you would like the job • Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ • Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
The line graph gives information about the number of books that were borrowed in four various libraries in 2014, with the piechart illustratesthe proportion of different types of books over the four months.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter explain why you would like the job give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia Write at least 150 words.
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter -explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months -say how your work could be done while you are away -ask for his-her help in arranging it
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your latter • Explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months • Say how your work could be done while you are away • Ask for his/her help in arranging it
You have seen a advertisement in an australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and after look after their six year old child. Write a eletterto the parents. In your letter Explain why you would like the Job
You work for an international company, and you would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter -Explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months -Say how your work could be done while you are away - Ask for her/his help in arranging
The line graph shows the sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in millions of Dirhams. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter - explain why you would lile the job -give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ -say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazins for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six year old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter -explain why you would like the job -Give details why you would be a suitable person to employ -say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
In many countries, working women can take a few months of maternity leave after childbirth. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
You are going to travel abroad for two months and while you are away a friend would like to live in your apartment. Write to the owner of the apartment explaining the situation. In your letter: explain that you are going to travel abroad, describe your friend and say why he/she would be a good tenant, ask whether the owner will agree to this.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter explain why you would like the job give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia Write at least 150 word
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter explain why you want to work in the company's head office for six months • say how your work could be done while you are away • ask for his/her help in arranging it
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for 6 months and look after their 6-year-old child. write a letter to the parents in your letter explain: why you would like the job give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter: – Explain why you would like the job – give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ – say how you would spend your free time while you are in Austra
You are soon going to spend three months doing work experience in an organisation. Write a letter to the manager of the organisation where you are going to do work experience. In your letter -Thank the manager for the opportunity to do work experience -Explain what you hope to learn from the work experience -Ask some questions about the work experience you are going to do
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after the six years old child. Write a letter to the parents. in your letter *explain why you would like the job *Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ * Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
Some people tend to take temparay jobs (they only work for few months of years )for they have time to do other things. Do you the advantage outweigh disadvantages.
The Table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village lberaries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time. Summarize the information and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words
A friend has offered you some work in his company. You are currently employed and not able to start for three months. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
You are going to an English Speaking country for some months. Write a letter to the rental agency. In your letter. 1. the type of house you want 2. facilities you require 3. for how long you need the accomodation
The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentages of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time.
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter: explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months say how your work could be done while you are away ask for his/her help in arranging it
Write a letter to the HR manager for permission to work from home for the next six months. In your letter, mention why you are writing explain why you would like to work from home say how this can benefit you and the company
In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and looking after their six years old child. write a letter to the parents, in your letter explain why you would like the job give details for why you would be a suitable person to employ say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter, •explain why you would like the job •give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ •say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australiac
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. in your letter -Explain why you want to work in company's head office for six months -Say how your work could be done while you are away -Ask for his/her help in arranging it
You have been living in a rented house for the last six months. Your neighbour has a new dog that makes a lot of noise at night, preventing you from sleeping. Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter - describe the problem with the dog -explain why it is important for you to get enough sleep - suggest what your neighbour could do about the situation.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- years old child. write a letter to the parents. In your letter -explain why you would like the job - give details of why you would be suitable person to employ - say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village libraries and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time.
A friend has offered you some work in his company. You are currently employed and not able to start for three months. Write a reply to your friend. In your letter: give details of what you know about his company explain your current situation give your answer to the offer and explain why
You have been living in a rented apartment for the last two years. Your rental agreement will expire in two months, but you want to extend it for another two years. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter, introduce yourself say why you want to extend the contract mention what changes you would recommend in the contract Write at least 150 words.
You have just returned home after living with a family in an English-speaking country for six months.
You now realise that you left a small bag of personal possessions in your room.
Write to the family describing the things you left behind. Ask them to send some or all of them to you. Offer to cover the costs.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter: -Explain why you would like the job – give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ – say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter • introduce yourself • ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes •explain why you need to break the contract.
The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter: explain why you want to work in the company’s head office for six months say how your work could be done while you are away ask for his/her help in arranging it Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ..................,
You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another countryz. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter - explain why you want to work in the company's head office for six months - say how your work could be done while you are away - ask for his/her help in arranging it
Some people tend to take temporary jobs (they only work for few months of years )for they have time to do other things. Do you the advantage outweigh disadvantages?
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