Chilhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. What are the causes of this and what are some possible solutions can be offered?
Many employers find that their new employees lack sufficient interpersonal skills such as a lack of ability to work with colleagues as a team. What are the causes? Can you suggest some possible solutions?
Education is not the only criterion for getting a job now as we find in many countries people remain jobless even after completing their studies. What are the reasons behind youth unemployment and what problems arise due to it? What solutions do you think this can have?
Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some solutions
It is becoming increasingly popular for people to tourist destinations during public holidays. What problems does this causes? What solutions are these to this problems.
A increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teacher are living their own poorer countries to work in develpoed countries. What problems does this cause ? What solutions can you suggest to deal with problems.
Most major cities around the world continue to grow at a phenomenal rate due to the massive increase in population. This has led to a general decline in the quality of life in city areas as the environment becomes more crowded and polluted. Give some reasons why this growth has occurred and suggest some practical solutions to this problem.
Some people aim to achieve balance between their work and other part of lives, but few achieve it. What is the reason behind this? What are the solutions to tackle this problem?
Expert say older people were happier and healthier in the past because they did more exercise and spent more time with their family and friends, whereas, now many suffer loneliness and health problems. What are the causes of this and what are some solutions?
In most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.
Some students work while studying, resulting in a lack of time for education and constant pressure. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.
Nowadays, most children prefer to spend several hours playing with electronic devices over doing more traditional leisure activities. What problem does this cause? What do you think are possible solutions? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Many people say that human society has developed into a “throw-away” society, which is filled with plastic bags and rubbish. What are the causes and solutions?
In some countries levels of health and fitness are decreasing and average weights are increasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what are some possible solutions?
You have rented an apartment recently, but you are facing some problems. Write a letter to the landlord:
•Describe the details of the problems
•How are these affecting your family
•Ask for possible solutions
More and more people are forgetting the meanings behind occasions, such as national celebrations. What do you think are the causes of it? What solutions do you suggest?
Although young people nowadays are provided with a more comfortable life and a better health care system, they are not necessarily happy as expected . In this essay, I will name some factors that contribute to this situation and propose several feasible solutions.
Many citites around the world are facing severe traffic congestion problems. what are the main causes for this issue and what solutions can be implementedt to solve it ?
Social media has many positive uses, but there have been some negative consequences to it as well. Identify a problem caused by social media and describe the solutions you would propose to address this problem.
In most of the developing and under-developed countries, well-educated professionals prefer to leave their nations after completing their studies and do jobs in developed countries. What are the reasons behind this problem? Suggest some solutions too.
More and more people are moving away from agricultural background to relocate to cities in order to look for work.What will be the consquences of this.What solutions can you offer.
In many countries parents worry about the amount of time children spend watching TV and using the internet. What do you think are the causes of this , what solutions can you suggest
In many professional sports, there is an increase in the numbers of athletes using banned substances to improve their performance. What are the causes of the phenomenon and what are some of the possible solutions.
Even when poor countries get help from rich countries, hunger is still an issue. Discuss probable causes and solutions. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples. Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Plagiarism in academics has become a pressing problem in many countries today. What are the causes of this problem? What are some possible solutions?
Even when rich countries help poor countries economically, there are still issues related to hunger and diseases. What are the causes and solutions to these issues?
With the development of scocial media, more and more youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in ordet to meet and chat with friends which can lead to pottentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggesr to deal with this problem?
Crime appears to be rising in most countries in the world, especially among young people. What are the possible causes of this trend, and what solutions would be effective in reducing crime levels?
2.You recently discovered that there are plans to build a new airport in your area and you are not happy with it. Write a letter to the local authority. In your letter,
oSay how you found out about the plans
oExplain what problems your neighbourhood will face
oSuggest some possible solutions to those problems.
In many professional sports, there is an increase in the number of athletes using banned substances to improve their performance. What are the causes of the phenomenon and what are some of the possible solutions?
With the rise of fast food consumption, many people are experiencing health issues related to poor diet and nutrition. Discuss the causes of this trend and suggest possible solutions to improve dietary habits among the population.
Some people consider corruption to be the root cause of problems in government organizations and politics. What problems arise due to this corruption? What are possible solutions to eradicate corruption?
Nowadays many people aim to create a balance between their work and other aspects of their life, however only few acheive it. What are the problems in doing this and what solutions can you suggest?
Around the world, large cities face the task of dealing with rapid population increase. What problems foes urban growth cause? What are some possible solutions to these problems?
Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke all over the world. Why should we be concerned about this? What solutions would you suggest? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Motorways help people travel quickly and cover long distance but they also cause problems. What are the problems of motorways and what solutions are there?
You have received a letter from your university, The University of Cambridge, demanding a reason for your absence from an exam. You were ill that day, but failed to submit the evidence. Write a letter to the examinations committee explaining your situation. You should include:
- Apologies for the situation
- Identification for yourself (name, student number, case number)
- An explanation of what had happened and any possible evidence you may have
- Possible resolutions to consider.
Many criminals commit further crimes as source as they released from prison What do you think are the cause of this? What possible solutions can you suggestN
Different types of environmental pollution seem to be affecting an increasing number of people in the world. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what solutions would you suggest?
Cyber insecurity is a rising problem in many countries. What problems does a lack of cyber security cause to Internet users? What solutions can you suggest to solve it?
Many businesses think that the new employees who have just graduated from schools lack interpersonal skills, such as working with colleagues as a team. What has caused this and what are the solutions to this problem?
Many historical sites and museums are mainly visited by tourists instead of locals, what are the causes of this? Give solutions to attract locals visiting museums and historical sites
With the development of the social media more and more of youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in order to meet and chat with friends which can lead to potentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation.
These days, an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?
In recent years a large number of highly professionals like doctors, engineers and IT professionals from poorer businesses are leaving their countries for developed countries for better-paying jobs. What are the possible problems of this and what solutions can you suggest to deal with this issue?
Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons behind this view? What are the solutions to change it?
Nowadays, many people use the Internet instead of going to see a doctor to search for solutions to their medical problems. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. Why is this the case, and what solutions are possible?
In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in crimes committed by the young in cities. What has caused this? What solutions can you suggest?
Water shortage is a dangerous problem in the world. Discuss the consequences and solutions for this problem? And do the social media or newspapers spread the awareness among people? And examples which are relevant.