In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some pople might not be happy to give up using cash?
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shop using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you thinkthis will be happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? why do you think some people might no be happy to give up using cash?
Parents, usually mothers, decide to stay at home to look after their families, rather than going back to work. Therefore, it is thought that they should be receiving some payments from the government for doing that. What is your opinion on that ?
In the future, people many no longer be able to pay for things in shops using card all payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this well happen in one day Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?
In the future,people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or by using phone. do you think this will happen one day? why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by cards or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?
Some people think that paper money and coins will be replaced completely by credit cards and online method of payments in the near future. Do you agree or disagree with their statement?
In the future people may no longer be able to pay for the things the shop using cash all the payments may have to be made by card or using phone do you think this will happen one day? why do you think some people might not be happy to give up cash?
Some people believe that unemployed people should be made to work for their welfare/benefit payments. Others, however, see this as a cheap labor. Discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of making unemployed people take any job. Do you believe that making unemployed people work is a good idea?
In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using phones. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write atleast 250 words.