50 Latest Pension IELTS Topics

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Some people think that having a set retirement at the age of 5 for everybody, regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive pension at an earlier age. -agree or disagree -which types of workers do you think would benefit from this?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reason for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people think that having a set retirement age( 65 years) for everybody regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive pension at earlier age. • Do you agree? • Which type of worker do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reason for your answer and include any recent example from your knowledge of experience.
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. • Do you agree or disagree? • Which types of workers do you think should benet from early retirement?
Some people think that having a retirement age of 65 years is unfair. They believe that certain workers should retire earlier and get pension at an early age. Do you agree or disagree? Give examples
Some people think that having a set retirement age for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement. Give reasons fir your answer and provide relevant examples
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that a certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should be benefit from early retirement?
Write about the following topic: Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people think that having a set retirement age for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that a certain workders deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive pension at an earlier age. • Do you agree or disagree? • Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier stage. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier stage. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
Some people think that having a set retirement age of 65 years for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg- 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
Some people think that having a set retirement age (say 65) for everybody regardless of occupation is unfair.They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree ? What type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answer.
Some people think that having a set retirement age for everybody regardless is unfair.They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at easy age.Do you agree or disagree. Which type of workers do you think should be benefit for early retirement. Give reason and example.
Some people think that having a set retirement age for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
3. Some people think that having a set retiremnt age (e.g 65 years) for everyone, regardless off occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retiremnent? –
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or desagree ? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree ? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workes deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?
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