50 Latest Reliance IELTS Topics

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More and more people are relying  on their private cars as a major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over-reliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Today our communications, medicine and transport systems all depend on computer technology. Our reliance on computer technology in these fields has created a dangerous situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.
Many people around the world are still relying on the private car as their major mean of transportation. Describe some of the problems over-reliance on cars can cause, and suggest some solutions.
More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over-reliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
More and more people relying on private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problem overreliances on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution
Many people depend on their smartphones and other electronic devices for communication, work, and entertainment. To what extent do you think that this reliance on technology is affecting interpersonal relationships and face-to-face communication?
More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems overreliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
Today our communications, medicine and transport systems all depend on computer technology. Our reliance on computer technology in these fields has created a dangerous situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Write about the following topic: Today our communications, medicine and transport systems all depend on computer technology. Our reliance on computer technology in these fields has created a dangerous situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.
Write about the following topic. More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over-reliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
The omnipresence of charities and governmental assistance packages leaves little room for self-reliance to survive adversity. In about 300 words, state whether you agree or disagree with this opinion and explain the reasons.
More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation, Describe some of the problems over reliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
More and more people are relying on their private cars as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over reliance on cars can cause and suggest at least one solution. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
More and more citizens relying on private cars as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problem overreliances on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.
Over-reliance on modern technology means that people are failing to learn, or are forgetting many basic skills. To what extent is this true? Are people becoming so reliant on modern technology that they are no longer able to do some things without it? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
With the increasing reliance on technology in daily life, concerns about privacy breaches have become more prominent. While technology offers convenience and connectivity, it also raises questions about data security and personal privacy. To what extent do you believe the benefits of technology in enhancing convenience outweigh the risks to personal privacy?
More and more people are relying on their private cars as a major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over reliance on cars can cause and suggest atleast one possible solution
*More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over-reliance on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution*
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