Helping each other, exchanging services with neighbors, has always existed. Today, with the Internet, mutual aid networks are developing in neighborhoods to offer various local services (large or small DIY, babysitting, cleaning, walking or pet-sitting, moving, lending objects: e.g. tools, kitchen appliances, etc.) What do you think of this exchange system? Would you be willing to ask or provide a service to strangers living in your neighborhood via the Internet?
As social media continue to develop, more and more youngsters have unsupervised access to all the contents available over the internet in order to meet and chat with friends and even strangers, which can lead to some potentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this problem?
With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists. Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.
With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their lists. Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or it's just a mean to increase their self-esteem. Justify your opinion with relevant examples.