50 Latest Subjects IELTS Topics

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Most career choices demand vocational skills or specialist knowledge. However, despite this, most schools still teach academic subjects such as history or social studies. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
The chart below shows information about students studying six main subjects at a US university in 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Modern societies need specialists in certain fields, but not others. Some people, therefore, think that governments should pay university fees for students who study subjects that are needed by society. Those who choose to study less relevent subjects should not receive the government funding Would the advantages of such an educational policy outweigh the disadvantage
Some people believe that teachers should be responsible for teaching students the difference between right and wornd. Others say that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss both viewpoints and give our own opinion.
Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that in today’s world subjects like Science and technology are more important than History. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example form your own knowledge or experience.
Nowadays many people believe that children should be taught history in school, however, others Ague that children should learn subjects that are more helpful for modern everyday life. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
Some people say History is one of the most important school subject. Other people think that, in today's world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.
The bar chart below shows the number of students who chose certain university subjects in 2005. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The government should allocate more funding to teach science rather than other subjects as it help in development of a country. To what extent do you agree?
Write about the following topic: Some people think that subjects like arts, music, drama and creative writing contribute more towards a child's overall development. The school curriculum should provide more time for these subjects to be taught if the school wants the all-round development of children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In some education systems, Students are .. Studing education systems. however students study different subjects until they have a limited range required to specialize in of subjects from the age of fifteen. in aerother leave school. what are the advantages of each system? which one benefits is better?
Some people say that children who find subject as mathematics and philosophy difficult don't have study them at school. These subjects should be optional, not compulsory. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that because some students find some subjects such as maths and philosophy difficult they ought to be optional instead of compulsory. To what extend do you agree?
It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too acade ic in orientation and that it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say history is one of the most important school subject. Other people thik that, in today’s world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Some people believe that schools should concentrate on teaching students academic subjects that will be useful for their future career. Other people say that subjects such as music and sports are also necessary. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
All parents want the best opportunities for their children. There are some people who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having having a range of subjects is better for children's future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Computers are an essential feature of modern education. Some people believe that certain subjects, such as mathematics, are better taught using computers. Others however think that there are aspects of education in which computer use is inadequate. Discuss both these views and discuss your opinion.
Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects- Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Most government money should be invested in teaching science rather than any other subjects in order for a country to develop. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that in today`s world subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion.
Art is considered as an important part of society as well as an expression of its culture. Do you think it is important to teach art to children? Do you think adolescent should be encouraged to focus on art rather than other subjects?
Some people consider that school education should be concentrated on academic subjects, which would be helpful for their future careers, and subjects like music and sport are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduatesbhave led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history and only offer practical degree coursesbthat maximises chances of employment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
All parents wants the best opportunities for their children. There are some who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for a children's future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Some people believe that teenagers should focus on all school subjects while others think that they should concentrate on the subjects where they do the best or find the most interesting. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opi
Modern societies need specialists in certain fields, but not in others. Some people therefore think that government should pay university fees for students who study subjects that are needed by society; those who choose to study less relevant subjects should not receive government funding. Would the advantages of such an educational policy outweigh the disadvantages?
Studying art in school improves student’s performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi skilled students to learn new things. That’s why art should be obligatory in schools. Do you agree or disagree?
Should high school students be required to study many different subjects at the same time, or should they study only three or four subjects at a time? Do you agree or disagree?
Some university student want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. other believes it is more important to give all their times and attention to studying for a qualification. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think studenti should study the science of food and how to prepare it.Others thinks students should spend time on important subjects .Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
It is argued that university student should study a full range of subjects, instead of some specific subjects? To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Fewer students are studying science at school and university, favouring more computer based subjects instead. Is this a positive or negative development? What are the reasons for this?
Due to rise in university fees arts subjects like history and philosophy should not be taught anymore. Only degree courses should be taught for better employment oppertunities. Do you agree or disagree?
In some schools and universities, girls tend to choose art (e.g. literature), and boys tend to choose science subjects (e.g. physics). Why do you think this is so? Should this tendency be changed?
Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history, and only offer practical degree courses that maximize chances of employment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give a reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people say history is one of the most important school subjects. other people think that in today's modern world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. discuss both views and giver your opinion.
Gender imbalance has long been a general phenomenon not only in the labor market but also in formal education. Some analysts argue that it is impossible to eliminate the underrepresentation of women in some subjects in the university. Do you agree or disagree?
Topic: Art classes, such as painting and drawing, are important to a child’s development as other subjects, so it should be compulsory in high schools. To what extent, do you agree or disagree?
University students always focus on one specific subject, but some people think that universities should encourage their students to study a wide range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think that because some children fins some subjects mathematics and philosophy difficult they ought to be optional instead of compulsory. To what extend do you agree?
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give vour own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience
In some schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects (e.g. literature) and boys tend to choose science subjects (e.g. physics). Why do you think this is so? Should this trend need to be changed?
The chart below shows the proportion of male and female students studying six - art related subjects at a UK university in 2011. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant
Not enough student around the world choose to study science subjects at the university. What are the reasons for this? What impact does this issue have on society? Give your reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
The bar chart shows information about the favorite subjects of students from two middle schools, school A and school B. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history, and only offer practical degree courses that maximise chances of employment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that art subjects such as music, drama, and creative writing ‎are an essential part of education, and every school should include them in its ‎syllabus. Do you agree or disagree with your statement? Give your opinion ‎and examples from your own experience.‎
Some people say that history is one of the most important subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.
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