50 Latest Trends IELTS Topics

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The below graph shows the population of Japanese in the past, present, and future trends and table informs the number of people aged over 65 years old in 1950, in 2005, in 2035, and 2055
The bar graph displays the consumption of fast food in five different countries in 2010 and 2020. Summarize the data and analyze any significant trends.
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast food. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shows below.
Many young people today spend too much time following the latest fashion trends in areas such as clothing and technology. Do the advantages of this trend outweight the drawbacks?
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what really want to do in their spare time. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The following graphs illustrate electronic gaming trends in South Korea in 2006. The first outlines gamer age groups and gender demographics. The second indicates game type preference. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant
The line chart shows global population trends as a percentage from 1950 to 2040. To summarize information by selecting key characteristics and compiling a report and, if necessary, make a comparison.
Fashion trends are difficult to follow these days and it’s widely believed that they primarily exist just to sell clothes. Some people believe that we shouldn’t follow them and that we should dress in what we like and feel comfortable in. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication f what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
The diagram shows the consumption of renewable energy in the USA from 1949-2008. Write a 150-word report for a university lecturer identifying the main trends and making comparisons where relevant.
People hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer. You should use your own ideas, knowledge, and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Popular hobbies and interest change over time and are a reflection of fashion and trends, not indicators of what people actually want to do in their free time. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people believe that the internet has positive effect , others think that It has negative trends .Discuss both views and give your opinion .
Every year more students to study online rather than attend classes on campus What you think the causes of this trends?What are the solution for that
100.In many countries, the traditional family structure is changing, and an increasing number of children are being raised by single parents or by grandparents. Discuss the possible reasons for this trends and its potential consequences in society.
The graph below shows the investment trends of men and women in the UK since 1950. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? Is this a postive or negative development?
Young people spend too much money and time following fashion trends (clothing , tech.) What is the reason ? Is it a positive or negative development?
Many young people today spend too much time following the latest fashion trends in areas such as clothing and technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
TASK 2: Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? Is this a positive or negative development?
Popular hobbies Nd interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashion than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The line graph shows the amount of poutine* and French fries consumed between 1990 and 2010 in Canada. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main trends and comparisons where relevant.
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
The line graph below shows the trends in international money transfers sent by immigrants from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia from 2000 to 2021. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Popular hobbies and interest change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals want to do in their spare time. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
There are two line chart diagrams to display two trends which are the percentage of using electrical devices in households and the number of hours of domestic work each week.
Many young people today spend too much time following the latest fashion trends in areas such as clothing and technology. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflction of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what extend do you agree this statement ? Give reasons for your answer.
Some people say that it is important to dress well, according to the latest fashion & trends. Whilst some believe that it is a person’s choice as per their comfort and ease. Do you agree or disagree give your opinion.
The percentage of overweight children in Western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss causes and effects of this disturbing trends. Give your solution for the causes.
The graphs below show the trends in three boys and girls names which are currently in the UK. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The rise of convenience foods has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. What are the advantages of this trends? DO the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
With the widespread use of the internet , more people choose to work from home . Do the advantages of this trends oughtweigh the disadvantage?
The percentage of overweight children in Western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss causes and effects of this disturbing trends. Give your solution for the causes.
"Interpret the provided line graph that depicts the percentage of youngsters receiving inadequate healthcare facilities in six different European countries during the years 2008 to 2022. Describe the trends in healthcare provision for young individuals in each country, noting any fluctuations or improvements over the years. Highlight any exceptional changes in specific years and compare the countries' progress in addressing inadequate healthcare for the youth."
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.
The line chart shows trends in terms of employment in the USA in millions and predictions for the future. ▪️Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Many young people today spend too much time.e following the latest fashion trends in areas such as clothing and technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The following charts illustrate electronic gaming trends in South Korea in 2006. The first outlines the gamer age groups and gender demographics. The second indicates game type preference.
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answers.
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