50 Latest Volunteers IELTS Topics

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The bar chart shows the information of the number of volunteers and paid workers in 4 different roles in the sports sector of an Australian town in 2015
You have heard that one of your friends will be doing voluntary work at a festival. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ask about what type of festival your friend is volunteering at and when and where it will take place ask what your friend will have to do as part of the voluntary work ask if the organisers are still looking for more volunteers and how you can apply for the work You should write at least 150 words.
You saw an advertisement on the website of the local council. They ask for volunteers to help with organization of charity events. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter: • Tell that you are willing to help; • Suggest ways you might help with the events; • Give details about your availability. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ....,
You recently saw an advertisement in a newspaper seeking volunteers to do unpaid work with local children. You are interested in this work. Write a letter to the head of the organisation. In your letter – express your interest – ask for details of the work that needs to be done – let them know when you are available.
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organisers. In your letter:  Explain why you are interest in helping  Give details suitable past experience  Suggest ways you might help with the event
An art gallery in your town is looking for volunteers to work in the gallery at the weekends. You would like to do some work in the art gallery in your free time. Write a letter to the art gallery. In your letter explain why you would like to do unpaid work in the gallery say what type of unpaid work you could do give details about when you will be available for this work
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: -explain why you are interested in helping -Give details suitable past experience -suggest ways you might help with the event.
Your local council has advertised for volunteers to teach on a basic english programme for refugees. You would like to do some work for this programme in your free time. Write a letter to the programmer coordinator. In your letter - explain why you would like to do unpaid work on this programme -describe why you are a suitable candidate -say when you are available to teach
You have heard that one of your friends will be doing voluntary work at a festival. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ask about what type of festival your friend is volunteering at and when and where it will take place ask what your friend will have to do as part of the voluntary work ask if the organisers are still looking for more volunteers and how you can apply for the work You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
You have seen an advertisement looking for volunteers to teach English overseas. Write to the recruitment office. In your letter -Tell them where you saw the advertisement -Explain why you would like to go -Describe the skills that you have that you think would help
You have seen an advertisement looking for volunteers to teach English overseas. Write to the recruitment office. In your letter •Tell them where you saw the advertisement •Explain why you would like to go •Describe the skills that you have that you think would help.
The bar chart shows the number of volunteers in New Zealand who helped in sports organizations in 2010. The pie chart illustrates the number of volunteers doing different types of jobs for that same period. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features.
You saw an advertisement requiring volunteers for an organization that helps children. Write a letter and offer to volunteer part time. Include the following in your letter. -Why are you applying for this position? -What makes you suitable for it? -When will you be available?
You work for a children’s home which needs volunteers to help at weekends. Write to the the local newspaper requesting that they publicise the vacancies. You should include details of what is required of the applicants and explain the ways in which both volunteers and children migt benefit
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organisers. In your letter:  Explain why you are interest in helping  Give details suitable past experience  Suggest ways you might help with the event
The bar chart shows the number of volunteers in New Zealand who helped in sports organizations in 2010. The pie chart illustrates the number of volunteers doing different types of jobs for that same period. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
An art gallery in your town is looking for volunteers to work in the gallery at the weekends. You would like to do some work in the art gallery in your free time.Write a letter to the art gallery. In your letterexplain why you would like to do unpaid work in the gallerysay what type of unpaid work you could dogive details about when you will be available for this work
You recently saw an advertisement in a newspaper seeking volunteers to do unpaid work with local children. You are interested in this work. Write a letter to the head of the organization. In your letter – express your interest – ask for details of the work that needs to be done – let them know when you are available.
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a chartiy event Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: Explain why you are interested in helpin Give details of suitable past experience suggest ways you might help with the event.
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organisers. In your letter: • Explain why you are interested in helping • Give details suitable past experience • Suggest ways you might help with the event
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: Explain why you are interested in helping Give details of suitable experience suggest ways you might help with the event.
Your local council has advertised for volunteers to teach on a basic English programme for refugees. You would like to do some work for this programme in your free time. Write a letter to the programme coordinator. In your letter • explain why you would like to do unpaid work on this programme • describe why you are a suitable candidate • say when you are available to teach.
Your children go to a local school that requires volunteers to accompany school science trips Write a letter to the school to apply to be a volunteer. In the letter: - Introduce yourself and give details of your children who attend the school - Explain why you are interested in the position - Talk about any relevant experience that you have with children
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