It is known that modernization, as far as technology and science are concerned, emerged after the Industrial Revolution, which was triggered by the invention of spinning machinery in England during the late eighteen cent
It is often noticed that in these days people are changing their lifestyle according to the influence of modernism, it is good, but should not forget the traditional art as well as it is very beneficial for the new gener
It is often noticed that in these days people are changing their lifestyle according to the influence of modernism, it is good, but should not forget the traditional science as well as it is very beneficial for the new g
It is often noticed that in these days people are changing their lifestyle according to the influence of modernism, it is good, but should not forget the traditional fashion as well as it is very beneficial for the new g
It is often noticed that in these days people are changing their lifestyle according to the influence of modernism it is good but should not forget the traditional culture as well as it is very beneficial for the new gen