In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

Nowadays, in some cultures, parents tell their children to
hard in every condition if their
really want to attain what they want.
situation has numerous positive influences on
, like high
as well as
as the
mindset. On the one hand, a great effect of moving children to
hard for their dreams is
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. Thanks to its ability to convince
about being successful and to make them act, the most necessary thing for children is the
they have.
For example
, a child who is interested in playing football wants to be a professional football player, but he has to go to training and improve his skills rather than playing in the streets. Even if training regularly is neither easy nor amusing, the
he has persuades him to continue his training program.
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is created by the faith that hard
results in success.
On the other hand
, the idea that not giving up can obtain everything has some important disadvantages, like thinking he/she is a
. Mostly,
aim for the unachievable one and sacrifice all of the time and energy he/she has
for reaching
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to reach
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it. Unfortunately, even though they spend enormous energy to be successful,
’ belief that hard
pays off unsurprisingly disappears when they can not reach their goals.
, the confidence level of a child who thinks he/she is unsuccessful decreases significantly and it creates a destructive influence on the future life of the kid.
, the individual who did not achieve his/her childhood dreams despite working hard tends to avoid the possible opportunities
due to
the sense of being a
To sum up
, despite the fact that the idea that a person who tries enough always attains what he/she wants positively affects
to create
, it might create unconfident people who think himself/herself as a
. Parents should be careful and approach their
in the most beneficial way.
Submitted by smd1212 on

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Task Achievement
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • achieve
  • try hard
  • positive mindset
  • self-belief
  • motivates
  • ambitious goals
  • resilience
  • determination
  • confidence
  • self-esteem
  • growth mindset
  • unrealistic expectations
  • disappointment
  • failure
  • effort
  • hard work
  • seek support
  • individual differences
  • abilities
  • capabilities
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