IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Having a job is a necessity for folks in all stages of their life because it is the main method that human uses to build a life. Some managers ask applicants for some information that they consider as personal. It may include what they interested in and even their marital status. Some people agree and others disagree. In my opinion, it is something important for the employer and the employee. In the following lines, both views will be discussed.
Although it is thought that children should not be allowed to decide on everyday issues like food, clothes, other people argue that young people should be made to decide about matters affecting them. It is my opinion that allowing kids to choose for themselves helps to raise better children for the future.
To start with, there is no doubt about the existence of a supreme being. Although some people believe that the only pathway to God is through Jesus, others disagree and argue that there are various paths to seeing God. In my essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the latter view.
There is no doubt about the existence of a supreme being. While some people believe that the only pathway to God is through Jesus, others disagree and argue that there are various paths to seeing God. In my essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the latter view.
The writer’s view, there is a hot debate over helping to the everybody that needs it to run the universe. Although, the priority in each society should attend their situation. However, I also disagree with the idea that either governments or peoples should help them at any price. For the purpose, there are different ways, like supportive and charity international and regional institution.
The writer’s view, there is a hot debate over helping to the everybody that needs it to run the universe. Similarly, the priority in each society should attend their situation. However, I also disagree with the idea that either governments or peoples should help them at any price. For this purpose, there are different ways, like supportive and charity international and regional institution.
The writer’s view, there is a hot debate over helping to the everybody that needs it to run the universe. But the priority in each society should attend their situation. However, I also disagree with the idea that either governments or peoples should help them at any price. For this purpose, there are different ways, like supportive and charity international and regional institution.
The writer’s view, there is a hot debate over helping to the everybody that needs it to run the universe. But the priority in each society should attend their situation. However, I also disagree with the idea that we should help them at any price. For this purpose, there are different ways.
The writer’s view, there is a hot debate over helping to the everybody that needs it to run the universe. However, I also disagree with the idea that we should help them at any price. For this purpose, there are different ways.
Over the years, technological development has made long-distance travel more convenient and safe. There was a time when crossing geographical boundaries of one's native land was immensely difficult considering the amount of time and expenditure it entailed. But with the modern world order, where almost all the nations are well connected thorough a vast network of cheap airlines, maritime transport and super-fast trains, taking a trip to abroad for the sheer purpose of pleasure has become mu...
The confusion about the course to study at the tertiary institution still remains one puzzle yet to be unraveled. While some sets of people think that undergraduates should be allowed to study the course of their choice others are opined that they should do subjects related to science and technology. In my opinion, I believe that learners should be allowed to take the path of knowledge they desire in school. This essay will discuss both views and give a reasoned conclusion.
There is no denying to the fact that architecture requires thorough analysis into both the practicality and aestheticism, the determining factors of the existence of a construction. Both of these elements make various contributions to architecture. Hence, it is ill-advised to compare the importance of them. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to express my opposition towards the statement.
With the invention of the internet, come the new spaces for people to socialise, such as social networks and chat rooms. Some people believe that these technologies allow them to befriend more people. Others argue that relationships should be established via real-world interaction.
These days, in certain countries, there are legislations which prevent young ones who are under 16 from leaving school so as to enter the workforce. This is a good approach to prevent exploitation of children and it would allow teenagers concentrate on their studies.
These days, in certain countries, there are legislations which prevent young ones who are under 16 from leaving school so as to enter the workforce. This is a good approach to prevent exploitation of children and it would allow teenagers concentrate on their studies.
These days, in certain countries, there are legislations which prevent young ones who are under 16 from leaving school so as to enter the workforce. This is a good approach to prevent exploitation of children and it would allow teenagers concentrate on their studies.
There is no doubt about the existence of a supreme being. Although some people believe that there are various paths to seeing God, others dispute this and argue that Jesus alone is the pathway to God. In my essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the former view.
There is no doubt about the existence of a supreme being. Although some people believe that there are various paths to seeing God, others disagree and argue that Jesus alone is the pathway to God. In my essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the former view.
There is no doubt about the existence of a supreme being. Although some people believe that there are various paths to seeing God, others disagree and argue that Jesus alone is the pathway to God. In my easy, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the former view.
Some argue that the excessive use of electronic devices has positive results. While others believe that it has some adverse effects on children's mind and body, however, these side effects can be minimized. I think computer skills are not only helpful as a subject, but also in extracurricular activities.
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