IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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For many people, success is traditionally gaining a university degree and having a professional career. For instance, our parents and grandparents viewed education and qualifications as highly valuable and respectful and they mostly passed on this belief to their children to carry forward. This is understandable as having a degree and a career ensured job security and allowed us to have a comfortable lifestyle. On the other hand, in the modern world, some youngsters have re-defined what success is. It is now more personal. It can be specific to the individual based on their interests and lifestyle. Some might feel completely satisfied with their life only if they travel the world, for them a successful achievement is travelling to as many countries as possible during their lifetime. Additionally, many people now dedicate their lives to bringing up children, for them achievement is providing a good foundation for their children.
It has been pointed out that working in a large corporation is much better than having a job in a small firm. Personally, I thoroughly agree with this idea as joining a huge organization brings out significant benefits to workers in terms of achieving financial freedom and cultivating creative thinking styles.
Although many advise the public to embrace their hardships such as an unsuitable job or a financial crisis, I disagree with this statement and believe that humans should work more industriously to transform these circumstances in order to seek potential opportunities as well as to improve themselves.
Some children are advised to devote themselves as much as possible so that they can attain their goals. This essay will suggest that a growth mindset and increased motivation are the biggest advantages of this, but disillusionment with truth and disregard for external factors are the primary disadvantages.
All over the world, big cities are having a problem with accommodation for their residents.This essay will first discuss its etiologies mainly the migration from rural areas and overpopulation and it will also give some viable solutions to this dilemma which include developing rural sites and adopting population control measures.
While many claim that giving minors the freedom of thought on all matters makes it possible for them to become highly egocentric, I believe that this is not the case since a child’s decision is often based on various components to form who they are, and it is crucial that all children gain permission to be present in every choice they make so that they can improve their cognitive skills.
the 21st century, technological development in computer systems is ever-increasing. Many sectors such as communication, medicine and transportation highly depend on this technology. Some believe that dependence on such computer technology has led to dangerous situations. I agree with this statement and facts related to my view will be discussed.
In the pursuit of preventing disease and illness, many have the opinion that the focus of governments should be invested in housing complications and environmental deterioration. This writer sees the benefit of improved living conditions and better strength resistance.
In the contemporary world, environmental pollution and housing issues have contributed to the deterioration of public energy and some people believe that governments should develop initiatives to address these challenges. While I agree with this sentiment to a large extent, I am inclined that compelling outcomes will not be readily evident by simply concentrating on solving environmental contamination and housing challenges.
Nowadays, people are divided over whether being open to changes in existence is better than doing the same things. This essay aims to shed light on both opinions and reveal my personal perspective.
A common belief is that it is preferable to purchase a smaller wardrobe of higher-priced apparel, in lieu of owning a large range of less expensive clothing. I strongly agree with this concept as pricey outfits last longer and give a much better first impression.
Countless discoveries in scientific fields could have been successful due to a pre-clinical examination of living things. Hence, it is widely considered that animal tests are necessary for people. However, some strongly support animal rights. In my opinion, this step of scientific research should be banned. This essay will evaluate the reasons for my statement and suggest alternatives .
Various controversies have emerged as to whether professionals should work in other states. While many people think that professional workers owe a debt to the country they trained in, I believe that they should be free to work where they choose because they can earn more money.
The migration from rural areas to cities has gained momentum over the last half of a century. It poses numerous issues for both villages and towns. This essay will shed some light on the main problems of such a phenomenon and provide several plausible solutions to resolve the same.
It is argued that countries with high incomes have to allow a larger number of refugees to cross their borders. I completely agree with this statement because it is morally correct and beneficial for their economies in the long term.
It can be noticed that the dangers of consuming cigarettes are well-announced, yet many individuals continue to smoke. This essay will present the cause of this trend as well as suggest the augmentation of campaigns that would talk about the risks related to smoking.
In this day and age, it is considered by a plethora of individuals that, elders have difficulty acclimating to new high-tech devices. The main cause of this is the novel nature of the technology revolution and the best solutions involve education.
In our fast-paced society, advancements in technology have made it easy to fight against grave illnesses. Some societies have a notion that it can result in increased quality of life and people live longer compared to the past. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will delve into the salient impacts that modern science has on individuals and societies as a whole.
The last 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the longevity of humans in various parts of the world. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether this is a positive or negative trend. While there are valid arguments to the contrary, in this essay I would contend that the advantages of the ageing population are incomparable with its drawbacks. Two of the primary reasons for this are as follows.
Some individuals have improper diets due to easy reach to fast food meals. This leads to some difficulties and this essay will discuss its reasons and solutions.
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