The reason that most individuals are in debit is due to the overuse as well as irresponsible use of credit cards. Banks should not issue credit cards unless they are completely sure of an individual’s ability to pay back their debits. To what extent do you agree with this?
The reason that most people are in debt is the overuse as well as irresponsible use of credit cards. Banks ought to do a background check and only issue credit cards to individuals who have the ability to pay back their debts. What is your opinion?
Banking and banks. Discuss why it is important to open a bank account. Do you think it is safe to keep all your money in a bank? Which payment method do you prefer?
The reason that most individuals are in debt is due to the overuse and irresponsible use of credit cards. Banks should not issue credit cards unless they are completely sure of an individual’s ability to pay back their debts. To what extent do you agree with this?
The reason that most individuals are in debts is due to the overuse as well as irresponsible use of credit cards. Banks should not issue credit cards unless they are completely sure of an individual’s ability to pay back their debits. To what extent do you agree with this?
Banks should receive billions of dollars in assistance from their governments during a financial crisis that was in large part their fault. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Surveillance cameras in banks, officers, shops and streets have been very successful in reducing crime in the workplace and in public, but they are also a tool for their users to spy on people private business. What problems do the use of surveillance cameras create? Is there any solution?
Surveillance cameras in banks, offices, shops and streets have been very successful in reducing crime in the workplace and public, but they are also took for their users to spy on people's private business. what problems do surveillance cameras create? what are the solutions?