Some people soy lhof economic developmenl is necessory lo reduce the poverty in ihe world. Ofhers soy lhol economic growlh should be sfopped immediolely lo slop domoging lhe environmenl. Discuss bofh sides ond give your opinion.
Some peopre believe governmenfs should spend moneY on building troin ond subway lines fo reduce lroffic congeslion. Ofhers think lhot buitding more ond wider roods ore lhe befler woy lo reduce lroffic congesfion. Discuss bolh views ond give your opinion
Some people belieye lhal leenagers shou,d concenlrole on oll schoo, subiecfs. Bul, ofhers believe fhof leenogers shourd focus on lhe subjecf ihoi ihey ore bes, of or lhol lhey find fhe mosl inferesfing. Discuss bofh fhese views ond giye your own opinion