50 Latest Friends IELTS Topics

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Write a letter to a friend who will come to your country to work for 6 months. In your letter, you should: •recommend a city •suggest a few jobs that your friend could do •give some opinions about making friends with the locals.
One of your friends wants to apply for a job at a summer school camp as a sports trainer. Write a letter to the camp manager to recommend your friend.
Some people think its better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them.Other people say believe its good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss boths views and give your own opinion please!
For the past year, you have been a member of a local club. Now you want to discontinue your membership. Write a letter to the club secretary. In your letter ● state what type of membership you have and how you have paid for this( GYM AUTOMATIC PAYMENT ) ● give details of how you have benefited from the club( LOOSE WEIGHT AND MAKE FRIENDS ● explain why you want to leave( HECTIC SCHDEULE )
There are some people who believe that family members are very important in our life while other says that friends are more important .Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Last month you had an overseas holiday with some friends where you stayed at their house. They have just sent you some holiday photos. Write a letter to your friends. In your letter: thank them for the holiday and the photos invite them to come and stay with you
Experts say older people were happier and healthier in the past because they did more excercise and spend more time with their family and friends whereas now many suffer loneliness and health problems.What are the causes o this and what are some solutions
One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: - apologise for missing the birthday celebration; - explain why you missed it and why you didn't tell your friend; - and say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry.
Some people think it's better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. Other people believe it s good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion
One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new start- up business. Write a letter to him and say - What is your opinion on his new business idea - What have you decided on this matter - What are the reasons for your decision
You have arranged a weekend holiday with a group of friends, but due to your studies you will not be unable to go with them. Write to your friends, and •Tell them why you are unable to go •Say sorry for this •Suggest an alternative activity at another time
You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a member of the team had an accident and wasn't able to play with you Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: • Tell him which team won • Describe the weather conditions that day • Say how you felt about the match
You have recently purchased a gift item for one of your friends. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter, • tell him/her about the gift • tell how you want to send the gift to this friend • explain why you chose this gift for your friend
Last week, you celebrated your birthday with some friends in a restaurant. It was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed yourselves very much. Write a letter to the restaurant. In your letter mention the food and service explain that you really enjoyed the atmosphere suggest any improvements to make things better You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:
In modern times young adults spending more time with their friends and less time with family. Why has this change occurred? Do you think parents should force their children to spend more time at home?
Some people believe that it is important to spend time developing a successful career. Others argue that it is more important to spend time with friends and family than at work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You celebrated your birthday with some friends last week in a restaurant. It was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed the evening very much. Write a letter to the restaurant to thank them. Mention the food, service and the atmosphere. Also suggest any improvements to make things better. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You do NOT need to write your own address.
Write a letter to your friends. In your letter: ● Thank them for the holiday and the photos. ● Explain why you didn’t write earlier. ● Invite them to come and stay with you.
Social media helps people to keep in touch with friends and stay on top of news and events. Do you think the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages? topic in blood?
You are about to go on vacation for a month. a friend from another town will come and stay in your apartment write a letter to this friend in your letter Explain where your friend can get the keys to the apartment Give your friends some instruction about using your apartment Recommend some place to go
You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there. Write a letter to one of your friends. In your letter: ask them for help finding accommodation tell them where you would like to live tell them the type of place you are looking for
Social media helps people to keep in touch with friends and stay on top of news and events. Do you think the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages?
Q. Some people think its better to have friends that have same opinion, while others belive it is good having friends who sometimes have different opinion. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
A friend of yours is thinking of going to a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friends. In your letter, Explain why you think your friend would enjoy camping holiday describe some possible disadvantages say whether you would like to go on camping with your friend this summer
You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a member of the team had an accident and wasn’t able to play with you at the weekend. You decide to write to him in the hospital, telling him about the match
With the development of social media, more and more youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the Internet in order to meet friends which can cause potentially dangerous situations. What solutions do you suggest?
Nowdays people make new friends throught social network and internet chat groups. some people think this is good. Others think that face to face interaction is essential. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and service. Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter: -give details of your visit to the restaurant -explain the reason for the celebration -say what was good about the food and the service.
You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and service. Write a letter to the restaurant mnager. In your letter Give details of your visit to the restaurant Explain the reason for the celebration Say what was good about the food and the service
Some people think that main factors influencing a child’s development these days are things such as televisions, friends and music. Others believe that the family still remains more important. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion
You recently stayed at your friends's place to look after the house while he/she is away. you accidently damaged something in his/her house. write a letter to your friend. in your lettter you should describe what the accident was explain when it happened. suggest how you damage can be fixed.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. A good friend has just changed schools and is having difficulty fitting in and needs your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • make suggestions as to how they could make friends • suggest joining clubs, participating in school activities • give any extra general advice You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear..., You should write at least 150 words.
Some people view giving presents as an important way to show care to family and friends. Others think there are more important things that can be done to show care and appreciation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In mordern times, children are spending less time with their families and more time with their friends. 1. Why has this change occured? 2. Do you think parents should force their children to spend more time at home?
“Modern forms of communication such as email and messaging have reduced the amount of time people spend seeing their friends. This has a negative effect on their social lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
Last week, you celebrated your birthday with some friends in a restaurant. It was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed yourselves very much. Write a letter to the restaurant. In your letter mention the food and service explain that you really enjoyed the atmosphere suggest any improvements to make things better You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,
Nowadays more people are choosing to live with friends or alone rather than with their families. This trend is likely to have a negative impact on communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Your friend recently moved to new city. You will also be moving to the same city. Write a letter to your friends and include: – Ask where to find a place to live – Tell them what type of place you’re looking for – Share some fun things you would like to do when you get there
You have recently opened a store and want to have a website for this store. One of your friends can help you with this. Write a letter to the friend to ask him/her to develop a website for your newly-opened store. In your letter: · tell what your store or business sells · mention how you would want your website to look · provide some ideas on how you would like to keep your website updated Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
This is a part of a letter your receive from an English pen friend. Don't forget to tell me about the area you live in and what you and your friends do in your free time. Write a letter to your pen friend. Write your letter in about 100 words.
Some people prefer to live alone. Others enjoy sharing a house with family or friends. Do the advantages of living with others outweigh the disadvantages?
One of your friends lives in another country.you want to spend some time working in that country. Write a letter to your friend. Describe why you want to work in that country. Tell him about your skills and experience. As some other questions related to work.
Some people say that parents have the most important role in a child development. However, others argue that other things like Television or friends have the most significant influence. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence in young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.
Some people think that the main influence on young people's diet is advertising rather than family and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents’ home once they finish school. They start living on their own or sharing a house with friends. Is this a positive or a negative development?
Your local council is considering closing a sport and leisure centre that it runs, in order to save money. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter: .give details of how you and friends or family use the centre .explain why sport and leisure centre is important for the local community .describe the possible effects on local people if the centre closes.
One of your friends wants to apply for a job at a summer school camp as a sports trainer. Write a letter to the camp manager to recommend your friend. In your letter: • say well you know your friend • describe the qualification and experience that your friend has • explain why your friend would be suitable for this job.
One of your friends invited you for a meal with his/ her family in their home. Write a letter to your friend Thank him and tell them what you have enjoyed the most How do you feel about his/her family Suggest him/her to visit you
With the development of the social media more and more of youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in order to meet and chat with friends which can lead to potentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation.
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