50 Latest Goods IELTS Topics

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You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a town which is far from your home.Write a letter to the manager of the shop. In your letter: say which electrical goods you want ask questions about the cost of the goods and how to pay explain how you will collect the goods
Some people believe that companies should manufacturing products that last for a long time. Others feel that the emphasis should be place on producing goods that are cheap. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that manufacture and supermarkets have the responsible to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. While others argue that customer should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Many people assume that the goal of every country should be to produce more materials and goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree that constantly increasing production is an appropriate goal? You should write at least 250 words.
There is an increasing amount of advertising directed at children, which encourages them to buy goods such as toys and snacks. Many parents are worried that these advertisements put too much pressure on children, while some advertisers claim that they provide useful information to children. Discuss both views and giveyour opinion
The table below compares the proportion of national expenditures in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on the various types of consumer goods in 2002.
You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a town which is far from your home. Write a letter to the manager of the shop. In your letter: say which electrical goods you want ask questions about the cost of the goods and how to pay explain how you will collect the goods. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear...
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to refduce the amount of packaging of goods. Other argue that consumers should avoid buying goods with slot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
The tendency for human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashions in clothes and other consumer goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The Essay Topic: The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion clothes and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree ?
The increase in the population of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?
Today, the high of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
More and more today people want to get things done instantly (services, information, goods and tasks) without having to wait. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
More and more people buy a wide range of household goods like television microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Some people feel that manufactures and supermarkets have the responsibilities to reduce the amount of packaging of goods, other argue that consumers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging Discuss both views and give your opinion
The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising but not the real need of the society where such products are sold. Do you agree or disagree?
Some individuals argue that governments should allocate more funding to railways rather than roads due to the former's higher capacity for transporting goods and passengers. discuss both views
The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion clothes and consumers goods. To what extent do you agree.
Some people feel that manufactures and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of foods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Today, the high sales of popular goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real need of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In most developed countries shopping is not only about buying the goods you need, it is also perceived as entertainment. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples based on your experience
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Sales of popular consumer goods is increasing YouTube power of advertisement for real need of people in the society is increasing give your opinion and example for your answer
Some customers are increasely choosing to buy goods that are produces in their local area, rather than imported goods. What are the reason for this ? is this positive or negative trend
Nowadays, some people believe advertising is useful and informative. Others believe advertising gives false information about the products and increase the price of goods.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The line graphs illustrate the information about a number of goods, which were transported by different modes in the USA since 1990 and previsions for 2040.
The tendency for human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumer goods. Do you agree or disagree?
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? You should write at least 254 words.
With internet improvement people can & opinions on certain goods or service that they purchased. Is this good or bad thing? . Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
As global trade increase, many goods including those we use in daily basis are produced in another country and have to be transport long distance. Do benefit of this trend outweigh disadvantages?
Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Ilets task 1 The line graphs illustrate the information about a number of goods, which were transported by different modes in the USA since 1990 and previsions for 2040.
Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold . To what extent do you agree or disagree ? Give reason for your answer and include,any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
More and more people today expect to get what they want instantly (goods, services, news), without having to wait. Why is this? Do you think this a positive or negative development?
The chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in four European countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Spending in Thousand Pound Sterling
Today,the high sakes of popular consumers goods reflects the power of advertising and not the real need of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do u agree or disagree
The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport. You should write at least 150 words.
Celebrities such as singers and film stars earn too much money, buy too many goods and care too little about other people. To what extent do you think this is true? Should anything be done to change the situation?
Society is becoming obsessed with material goods like fast cars, designer clothes and flashy jewellery. We have stopped caring about the important things and that is why divorce rates are so high and family bonds are not as strong anymore; our valve system is disintegrating. To what extent do you agree and disagree?
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a nearby town. Write a letter to the shop and ask if they have the things you want or whether they will be able to order them. Ask what the prices are and how long they will be able to hold the goods for you. You should write at least 150 words.
The best way to make the road transport of goods safer is to ask drivers to take a driving test each year. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With recent improvements online, it is increasingly possible for people to leave reviews for goods and services they have purchased. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting main features, and make comparison where necessary.
With the recent improvements to internet , people can leave views or opinions on goods or services they have purchased. Is it a good or a bad thing , discuss both giving your own answer with example.
The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment
The given graph shows four different kinds of goods transported in The UK between 1974 and 2002. In general, rail hadn’t changed much but the others had grown in 38 years.
Society is becoming obsessed with material goods like fast cars, designer clothes and flashy jewellery. We have stopped caring about the important tjibgs and that is why divorse rates are so high and family bonds are not strong anymore:our value system is disintegrating. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of advertisements which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys and other goods. Parents often claim that these ads are unfair.  Discuss both views and give your opinion.
SOME PEOPLE FEEL THAT MANUFACTURER and supermarket have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with alot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
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