IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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While international business has been increasing, many stuff, which we use regularly, are produced in other countries and should be transported long destination. It has more drawbacks for our society, and this essay will
As global trade is on the rise nowadays, a large number of products including those we utilise in daily basis are made in another country and need to be exported by hundreds of miles. Indeed, everything comes with a pric
Development transportation system give opportuinity to international market to delivery a lot of abroud producs. In this this essay we covered benefits long distance products than local ones.
Numerous crucial goods, such as those needed on a daily basis, are manufactured and delivered from distant regions as worldwide markets expand. This reality, in my opinion, offers more benefits than drawbacks, with the b
The increasing global trade nowadays causes various commodities, including daily necessities, to be imported far from other countries. Although this regulation has some disadvantages, I personally believe that the activi
Owing to advanced technology, the world became a global village, and due to that, business between countries significantly rise. Even some nations depend on other nations to fulfil their daily product needs. Although, I
In this day and out, due to export and import most of the products are available in every corner of the world. My firm conviction is that, merits are overwhelming then demarits because it improves the economy of a count
As industrialization has been enhanced, a large number of companies have produced basic goods and exported them to some counties that they may manufacture them. It has been observed that this phenomenon not only have con
In recent times, due to globalization and relaxed international trade rules. Countries are supporting each other by supplying materials which they are deficit or surplus of. Many people believe through this ties between
Ample of items such as basic needs items like fruit or vegetables transported from one nation where manufacture the items to other nation because of globalization. This essay intends to say that the demerit is the freshn
Nowadays, as a result of climbing relationships between countries, from an economic standpoint, there are countless products that are imported from overseas. These goods that are utilized by people daily have to transpor
Nowadays, as a result of climbing relationships between countries, from an economic standpoint, there are countless products that are imported from overseas. These goods that are utilized by people daily have to tran
Due to the increase in international markets, many essential commodities such as the ones used on daily basis are produced and transported from long locations. In my opinion, this reality has more merits than its demerit
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