50 Latest Job IELTS Topics

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Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal informations such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. some people say that this information may be relevant and useful, others disagree. discuss both views and include your opinion.
You recently read in an advert that a local restaurant was offering a part-time job. Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager. In your letter: explain that you would like to apply for the job give some details of any relevant experience that you have specify the days and times that would suit you.
You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter: introduce yourself explain what experience and special skills you have explain why you are interested in the job
During a recent plane journey, you sat next to businessman who own a chain of restaurants, and he suggested that you should contact him about possible job in one of his stores. write a letter to this businessman
You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You naive find that you cannot continue the course. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter • describe the situation • explain why you cannot continue at this time • say what action you would like to take
During a recent plane journey, you sat next to a businessman who owns a chain of restaurants. You talked to him and he suggested that you should contact him about a possible Job in one of his restaurants. Write a letter to this businessman. In your letter • remind him when and where you met • tell him what kind of Job youaare inter,sted in • say why you think you would be suitable for the Job
Completing university is thought be some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Some people prefer to work in the same type of job throughout their lifetime ‎while others like to change the type of job they do. Discuss both views and give ‎your opinion.‎
In country where there is a high unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who will have no hop of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You have left your job and are now looking for a new job. You need a letter of reference from your previous employer. Write a letter to him. In your letter: • Give details of what you need; • Explain why it is important to you; • Suggest what information your employer could put in the reference. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ....,
The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot rely on the same job or working conditions the whole life. What are the causes for these changes? How should people prepare for work in the future?
You have seen an advert in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six years old child Write a letter to the parents, in your letter Explain why you would like to take the job Give details of why you would be suitable to employ Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
Employers should give their workers at least one month’s holiday a year, as it makes them better at their job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people believe it is better to complete graduation to get a job while others believe having experience and skills is important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion
Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Ithers argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You are studying for a qualification, and you would like some time off work to complete it. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter: Ask for some time off to complete a qualification. Suggest what you will do later at work if you have time off. Say how the qualification helps your job or company.
You recently noticed a local restaurant that was offering a part-time job. Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager. In your letter, – explain that you would like to apply for the job – give some details of any relevant experience that you have – specify the days and times that would suit you
Many companies and other organizations require employees to wear a uniform. For which jobs do you think a uniform is a good thing? What are the disadvantages of having to wear a uniform at work?
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: say why he/she would not enjoy going to college explain why getting a job is a good idea for him/her suggest types of job that would be suitable for him/her Write at least 150 words.
Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part time job to support his studies. In your letter - Describe the job you found for him/her - Explain why this job is good for him/her - Say what he/she needs to do to get the job
When employers choose the best person for a job they should consider personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10. Talk about a job that helps making the work better place: What the job is? How you learn about it ? Why do you think it helps so much? And explain why do you think it make the world better place.
You recently recieved a letter frin a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter • say why he/she would not enjoy going to college • explain why getting a job is a good idea for him/her • suggest types of job that would be suitable for him/her
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter – explain why you would like the job – give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ – say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia
You have recently started a new job. Write a letter to a friend about your new job. In your letter: - Describe the job and the company. - Explain how you feel about the job. - Discuss your future plans.
You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while your are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help. Write a letter to this fiend. In your letter: -give details of your study plans -explain why you want to get a part-time job -suggest how your friend could help you find a job
Your friend asked you to find a par-time job for him/her to earn some money while studying. You found a job that might be suitable. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, • Give him/her the job description • Explain why he/she should take the job • Say what he/she should do to get the job
Job applicants’ social skills are more important. Some employers believe that job applicants’ social skills are more important than their academic qualifications. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
You have seen an advertisement from a couple, who live in Australia, for someone to teach their two children your language for a year. Write a letter to the couple. In your letter •explain why you think you would be suitable for the job •say what else you could do for the family •give your reasons for wanting the job
You are studying for a qualification, and would like some time off work to complete it. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, ask for some tome off to complete a qualification, suggest what will you do later at work if you have time off,say how will the qualification helps your job or company.
Write a letter to the hiring manager. In your letter Say why you are applying for this international position Describe the job you are currently doing for the company Tell him/her why you think you will be good at the job
Some people believe that studying at university or colleges is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your an opinion.
Write about the following topic: The world of work is changing rapidly and employees cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change, and suggest ways of preparing people for the world of work in the future. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In recent years a large number of highly skilled professionals like doctors, engineers and IT professionals from poorer companies are leaving their countries for developed countries for better-paying jobs. What are the possible problems of this and what solutions can you suggest to deal with this issue?
Many university graduates cannot find a job in their chosen profession. What factors may have caused this situation and what in your opinion, should be done about it?
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You are a current student of Loren Brusque University, studying Business Administration. You want to apply for the post of Quality Assurance Manager you have recently seen on the university's notice board. Write a letter to Mr. Walker, and •Give your reason for writing • Tell about your education • Describe your work experience and explain why you would be suitable for the job. Write at least 150 words.
1.You have recently attended a job interview and have been offered the job. Write a letter to the company accepting the job offer, and provide details about when you will be able to start and any other information you think they may need.
Many people nowadays change career more frequently than ever before while others stick to a single job. What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing career?
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six year old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter ---Explain why you would like the job ----Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ -----Say how you would spend your free time while in Australia.
These days, people work in more than one job, and often change career several times during their life. Do advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?
Some people think it is better for people to change their career at least once in their life and do a different kind of jobs. Do you agree or disagree?
You are looking for a part-time job at a golf club. Write a letter to the manager of the golf club. In your letter, introduce yourself explain what experience and special skills you have tell him/her when you could start
Question: In addition to your full-time job, you are taking a 15-hour Computer Science course. You now find that you cannot continue with the course. Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter: Describe your schedule and situation Explain why you cannot continue the course Say what action you would like to take Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Ms. Franklin,
You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job. Write a letter to the company which supplied the equipment. In your letter Describe the problem with the equipment explain what impact this has one your work say what you want the shop to do
Nowadays, many families move overseas for job opportunities and take their children along with them. Some people think that this is beneficial for the children of these families, while others think children will find it difficult. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
You are moving to a new country to go to university and will need a part - time job . You have a friend who lives in that country . Write a letter to your friend . In your letter , apologise for not staying in touch explain why you're moving to this country ask your friend if he / she can help you find a job .
Some people think that getting degree from university is the best way to guarantee a good job, while others believe that it would be better go straight into work and get experience. Discus both sides and give your opinion.
You found a job opportunity in a foreign country. Write a letter to your friend who knows about the country. In your letter mention the following.  What the nature of your future job is  Why you applied for that job  Ask for details and his/her advice about the country
You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask your friend who lives there for some help. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter : Give details of your study plan Explain why you want to take up the part time job Suggest how your friend could help you find a job
Some people feel that entertainments ej film stars pop musicians or sports stars, are paid too much money? Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?
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