The parents of your Australian friend Chris have invited you to a surprise birthday party for himlher.
Write a letter to Chris's parents. In your letter
• say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party
• explain why you won't be able to attend the party
• give details of a plan to see Chris at a different time
You have recently started work in a new company.
Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter
• explain why you changed jobs
• describe your new job
• tell himlher your other news
The parents of your Australlan friend Chris have invited you to a surprise birthday party for himlher.
Write a letter to Chris's parents. In your letter
• say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party
•explain why you won't be able to attend the party
•give details of a plan to see Chris at a different time.
Chilhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. What are the causes of this and what are some possible solutions can be offered?
Differences befween counfries ore borely eyident lhese doys. Everyone in lhe world is wecrfing lhe some bronds ond wdlching ihe sorne ry chonnels ond movies. Do you think it is o posifive or o negolive developmenl?
These days, the wealhty in society often throw away perfectly good products in order to replace them with more up-to-date models. Do the environmental disadvantages of this development outweigh the economic advantages?
Some peopre believe governmenfs should spend moneY on building troin ond subway lines fo reduce lroffic congeslion. Ofhers think lhot buitding more ond wider roods ore lhe befler woy lo reduce lroffic congesfion. Discuss bolh views ond give your opinion
Some people say that industrial growlh is necessory to solve poverty, bul some other people argue that industrial growth is creating environmentol problems ond it should be stopped. Discuss both views ond give your opinion.
Some people belieye lhal leenagers shou,d concenlrole on oll schoo, subiecfs. Bul, ofhers believe fhof leenogers shourd focus on lhe subjecf ihoi ihey ore bes, of or lhol lhey find fhe mosl inferesfing. Discuss bofh fhese views ond giye your own opinion
Some think that children should slorf school os eorly os possib,e, while olhers believe thot lhey should slorf school ol the oge of seyen. Discuss bofh views ond give your own opinion.
Some people soy lhof economic developmenl is necessory lo reduce the poverty in ihe world. Ofhers soy lhol economic growlh should be sfopped immediolely lo slop domoging lhe environmenl. Discuss bofh sides ond give your opinion.
Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by olher countres have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?