50 Latest Librarian IELTS Topics

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Your local public library wants improvement to their services and facilities .In order to get ideas from the public , they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to the librarian.In your letter. . describe what you like about the library . say what you don't like . make suggestions for improvements
Your local public library wants to make improvements to there services & facilities. In order to get ideas from the public, they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to librarian in your letter - describe what you like about the library - say what you don't like - make suggessions for improvements
Your local public library wants to make improvements to their services and facilities. In order to get ideas from the public, they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to the librarian. In your letter • describe what you like about the library • say what you don’t like • make suggestions for improvements
Your local public library wants to make improvements to their services and facilities. In order to get ideas from the public, they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to the librarian. In your letter -describe what you like about the library - say what you don’t like - make suggestions for improvements
Your public library wants to make improvements to their services and facilities. In order to get ideas from the public, they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to the librarian. In your letter, describe what you like about the library, say what you don't like and make suggestions for improvements.
You are the member of a public library. You borrowed a book from the library, but could not return it by the due date. Write a letter to the librarian. In your letter -Mention the name of the borrowed book, and the due date for returning it -Describe the reason for not returning it -inform him when you will return it
Your local public library wants to make improvements to their services and facilities. In order to get ideas from the public, they have asked library users to send them suggestions in writing. Write a letter to the librarian in your letter -describe what you like about the library -say what you don’t like -make suggestions for improvements
You had borrowed a book from the public library however, when You reached home, you found that some important pages were torn away. Write a letter to the librarian explaining the situation. You should - Mention the book - Mention the pages - Suggest what can be done.
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