IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to inform you that I can share with you my ideas and thoughts to enhance library services, in addition to, developing the library facilities.
I have been a member of the library for two years and ,I admire the vast variety of the collection it possesses. Additionally, the seamless process to reserve books saves a lot of time, not to mention the clean environme
I am a resident of Watline Avenue and a regular visitor to the library in this neighborhood. I am writing this letter in response to your notice regarding the positive thoughts you have asked from its users to enhance th
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Hendra and I am one of the students and regular customers of your library. I am writing this letter to inform my suggestion regarding your announcement about how to improve y
I am writing this letter to express some of my ideas regarding the improvements to the public library which were advertised on your website. I am your regular customer for 2 years and I am always here when I want to read
I am writing this letter after seeing the poster that you paste outside the wall to make some improvements for the public about the facilities and services that are given to the library.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to commend you and your team on the decision you have made to improve the services and facilities of our local public library.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am one of your regular customers and I am writing this letter to give my suggestion regarding how to improve your library services and facilities.
I wrote this letter to give a piece of my mind to improve the library condition. Honestly, I encountered some problem when I visited the second floor of the library. Here is some advice that I could gave.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Aje and I am one of your librarian memberships. I am writing this letter to express my suggestion for the facilities in the library. Allow me to explain the details.
I am Hong Le and I am a student at Richar University. I often go to Melbourne public library to read or research to help my studying. This is a good public library, thank you for your set-up. There are many kinds of book
Dear Sir or Madam, Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. By the way, my name is Joziba Maxmasoliyeva. I am writing this
I am writing you this letter to express my idea concerning the public library services and facilities. I have been a member of your library since I was in college and I really admire the calming atmosphere which prevails
I am writing in connection with the notice that was put up on the notice wall in the library. In this notice, you have asked all the users to send their recommendations to improve the services and facilities.
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