50 Latest Line IELTS Topics

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You work in a busy but poorly organised office and you are keen to be promoted. Your employer needs to find a new supervisor for your department. Write a letter to your employer. In the letter: - ask to be considered for this job - explain why you would be a suitable candidate - outline the current problems and the changes you would like to make You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular. Some people think such a shopping method is beneficial, while others believe it creates more problems than it solves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In the future، nobody will buy printed newspaper or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
An old car was left on the street near your street several weeks ago. The car is now causing a problem for residents. Write a letter to the Council. In your letter: * Describe the car * Outline the problems it is causing * Tell the Council what you want them to do about it
Some people believe online reading materials should only be used for a child to learn to read, whereas others believe only printed material should be used. Discuss both veiws and give your opinion
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything, they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or dis agree?
Science will soon people line upt to 100 or even 200 years. Some belive this is a good thing. While other disagree. Discuss both views and give an opinion
Some people think that spending large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities is a waste of money. They think that this money should be used to improve existing public transport. To what extent do you agree / disagree ?
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The line chart below shows the number of cars produced in three countries from 2003 to 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Number of books borrowed from four village libraries. The line table shows the number of books that have been interacted from different four rural libraries since June and September 2014 and the pie chart presents
Nowadays, the quality of education is very low. Some people think that we should encourage our students to evaluate and criticize their teachers; others believe that this would result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays online shopping is extremely popular. Discuss the impact of it on the environment and on people who lost their jobs because of it. These days Internet shopping is increasing getting popular. Discuss the impact on climate and on the individual who lost their employment?
You recently returned by plane from an overseas trip. When you reached home, you realised you had left your hand luggage on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter: say when and where you lost your hand luggage describe the bag and its contents suggest the action you would like the airline to take Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,
In a number of countries some people think it is necessary to spend large sum of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast create between cities others believe that money should be spent on improving existing public transport discuss both these views and Give your opinion
In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains betwee cities Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing pub transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books beacause they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
The line chart below shows the percentage of of people in different age groups who played video games more than ten hours a week between 1984 and 2003
Since most information about culture and history can be found online, museums and art galleries are no longer needed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Other thinks that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The line graph and pie chart below show band information on crime in the UK for the last year. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
These days, many university courses are offered through the internet. Some people think that online teaching has more advantages than conventional classroom teaching or lectures, while others claim that there are significant disadvantages. Do the benefits of online teachings outweigh the disadvantages?
With the rise of e books comes the decline in paper books. Some people see this as a good step forward, while others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
The line graph shows the birth rate, population growth rate and death rate from 1940 until 2020 in Scotland. The three different variables are measured in percentages
Write about the following topic. In some countries, online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The chart and table below show customer satisfaction levels in the US with airlines and aspects of air travel in 1999, 2000 and 2007. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The line graph indicated the information about the number of questionnaires collected from Tourist Information office in a city based on individual, letter/email and telephone by first 6 months in 2011.
These days, many films and pieces of music are free online. Is this a positive or negative development? Write your reasons and use examples from your experience.
In most countries, animal and plant species are declining rapidly. What are the causes of this? What measures could be done to prevent this decline?
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
You are taking a course at a local collage. the deadline for your project was last week but you have not finished it. write a letter to your lecturer. introduce yourself explain why you have not handed in the project yet request more time to do it.
With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be able to make new friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You bought a new HD television last week. At first it seemed to work perfectly but after a few hours a line appeared across the TV and the sound seemed a little strange. You cannot take the TV back to the shop so you decide to write to them. Write a letter of complaint to the shop. In your letter • give them the background information • describe the problem • ask them to resolve the issue
Some people believe that government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce congestion,others think that building more and wider roads is the best way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Some people think that the role of parents is to discipline their children and teach them about right and wrong. Other people consider that the main responsibility of parents is to nurture their children and provide them with a safe environment to grow up in. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
In the future, nobody will buy printed books or newspapers because people will buy and read everything online without paying. to what extent do you agree?
In the last decade, there has been an increase in the number of varieties of online courses available to adults. While welcomed as a great opportunity by many students, other student see these courses as a poor substitute for classroom teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying an online course?
The two line graphs below show New Zealand import figures from Australia and Japan in the years 1994 - 2004. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Topic: Some people believe online reading material should be used for a child to learn to read whereas others believe only printed materials should be used. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
In a number countries, some people think that it is necessary to spend large sum of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Other belives that the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?
You found a problem with the item which you bought it online. Write a letter to the company manager. In your letter, you should: •describe the item •explain what the issue is •suggest what you expect the manager to do
Last Tuesday you flew from New York to Paris. When you arrived home, you discovered that you had left your cabin bag on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter, you should explain: where and when you lost your bag what your bag looks like what its contents were
Computers and A.I. technology are increasingly being used for online education. Can artificial intelligence enhance the learning experience? Is this a positive or a negative development?
With the rise of e-books comes the decline in paper books. some people see this as a good step forward while others do not. what are the advantages and dis advantages of this trend?
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You cannot go to a company where you got an offer. Write a letter to the HR supervisor to explain the reason why you decline the offer express you gratitude explain you like your current job very much
You recently flew with an airline and had a problem with the food on the plane. Write a letter to the company. In your letter · give the details of the flight · explain what the problem with the food was · say what the airline should do about it. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
The line graph gives information about the number of people in 4 distinct age groups going to the cinema once or more than once a month in Europe between 2000 and 2011.
Some people suggest that social networking and online communication have increased social isolation. In what ways do you think this has happened? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The line graph illustrates the population of three counties, Columbia, Yamhill and Washington state of Oregon which increased over 60 years, between 1940 and 2000. Washington has the highest population of three counties in 60 years
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