50 Latest Pace IELTS Topics

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With a fast pace of modern life, more and more people are turning towards fast food for their main meal. Do you think the advantage outweigh the disadvantage?
S technology adventures travelling to space is likely to become an option for holiday makers in future what do you think that advantage and disadvantage of space tourism
Some people believe that space travel is a waste of government money while others believe it is important for human. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books as they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive high tech media , such as computer software, videos and DVD's . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this segment?
The first ma to walk on the moon said Space exploration was going to change mankind's life. Some people argue that it made only a little change to our lives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some think scientists should be allowed to send messages into space to communicate with other life forms while others believe this is too dangerous. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some people argue that money should be spent on improving living standards on Earth. Do you agree or disagree ? ( In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on other planets to live on, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? )
Some people feel that cities should allow space for spaces for graffiti while others feel it should be banned. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In many places, new homes are needed but the only space available for building them is in the country side. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this
Some people feel that the exploration of space justifies a large amount of government and private investment. Other people think that this field is of increasingly low relevance, and should not be a priority. Debate both sides of this discussion, and explain your own view. How important is it for us to explore space at the moment?
It is a good idea to have large public spaces in towns and cities such as parks and squares. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books, and they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think city planners should create more green spaces and plant trees. Other believe that they should focus on building new home. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The money spent by government on space programme would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Government spend millions of dollars each year on their space programmes Most recently Mars is the focus of scientists attention' . Some people think this money would be better spent on dealing with closer to home. Do you agree or disagree?
The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they shouldn’t waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
I many places, new homes needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is omre important to protect the coutryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?
Some people feel that the cost of space exploration is far too high for the benefits it brings while others argue that space programmes should continue no matter what the cost. Discuss both sides and give your opinion?
In many places,new home are needed,but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?
In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. some people believe it is more important to protect the ciuntryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion abiut this ?
Billions of dollars are being wasted on space research. The money used could be better if used to improving condition on people on earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people says that free space in city and town should used to plant trees while some says that construction should be done. Do you agree or disagree?
Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little exposure to the natural world. Discuss the effects lack of experience with and understanding of nature can have on children as they grow up. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
It is true that whilst many people use their public parks, this space could be used for other purposes, such as building houses for young people or developing a business area to create jobs. Explain to what extent you agree or disagree with this statement.
With growing popoulations in cities, more and more people live in homes with little or no outdoor space. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Some people feel that the cost of space exploration is far too high for the benefits it brings while others argue that we space programmers should continue no matter what the cost. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
It is important for all towns and cities to have large public spaces such as squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this? Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people belive it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?
With all the problems in the world today, spending money on space exploration is a complete waste. The money could be better spent on other causes. To what extent do you agree with this view?
New houses are often designed to have open private spaces like a balcony or garden. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in this approach?
Some people think that city planner should consider creating more green spaces and planting trees, while others argue that they should focus on building new homes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. Governments could better spend this money on other things to benefit the nation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and theyshouldn’t waste their limited resources and space on providingexpensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos andDVDs.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Government nowadays think about space science and technology in our country spend funds for other new research so that other thing it's worng and some people think that it's right. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements
With a fast pace of modern life more and more people are turning towards fast foods for the main meals? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Some scientists believe intelligent life forms may exist in other planets and some want to send messages to the space to contact with these life forms. But other scientists believe it is a bad idea and it could be dangerous discuss both ideas and give your own opinion.
The money spent by governments on space programmes would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Although some people value public parks, this space could be better used for other purposes such as residential areas for the ever- growing population or to develop business or boost economies. To what extent do you agree with this?
Government around the world are spending billions in support of space programs.This will be better spent on research into improvements in human health. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people say we should invest more in space industry while others say we should spend that money on other purposes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The office building where you work doesn't have any parking spaces available for employees. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter -explain the problem - suggest a solution - say how on-site or nearby parking would benefit employees.
Some believe the government spends too much money on space research while there are still a lot of problems on the Earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Fast-paced modern lifestyles have led to people eating more and more fast food at the expense of more traditional meals. Do the advantages of eating more fast food outweigh the disadvantages?
2. Some people believe that the government spends too much money on developing space exploration technology. There are many other financial needs that the government should address instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In many places, new houses are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?
Some people argue that space exploration has had more to do with national pride than international effort. To what extent to you agree with this? How do you think space explonation will change in the future?
Some people think space research is a waste of money. The government should spend that money on the improvement of people’s living conditions. What is your opinion on this IELTS topic?
In the last century the first man to walk on the moon said it was a great step for mankind . But in fact space travel has made little difference to most people lives today . To what extent do you agree or disagree.
In the future we may have to live on other planets. For this reason, some people think it is necessary to spend money on research about space. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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