IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The question of what determines success in life is often debated, with some emphasizing the importance of hard work and determination, while others prioritize factors like wealth and appearance. In my opinion, while
It is believed that the key factor in success is good planning, whereas it is thought that people have more important factors to be successful. Although people have more chances to succeed by planning their steps, there
It would be argued by some that in order to succeed in life, one must have perseverance and a strong sense of purpose, while others think that wealth and physical features are more worthwhile in achieving success. In my
It is believed that the factor of success is a good planning, whereas it is thought that people have more important factors to be successful. Although people have more chances to succed by planning their steps, there are
First of all, it is undeniable that some people believe the main reason for success is hard work also determination however, other people think factors like money also personal appearance are also important and one of mo
Success is a multifaceted concept, and opinions differ on what contributes most significantly to achieving it. Some argue that hard work and determination are the primary drivers of success, while others believe that fac
In recent years, factors that contribute to personal success have been a debatable topic. While I acknowledge the validity of determination and hard work to gain success, external influences like wealth and appearance ar
Nowadays, there is an opinion that life will succeed through determination and hard work. While some might that appearance and might that appearance and money are more important. This writer completely agrees with the fi
Some people argue that achieving success depends on many factors such as finance and outlook, others, however, believe that effort and persistence have a positive impact on individuals. This essay will examine both vie
In modern life, money is increasingly trending. The majority of people believe that money is one of the aspects that lead to success while there are others who have the view that a successful living which is results in h
In modern society, some individuals believe that winning in life comes from dedication and perseverance. Whilst others think that there are more vital aspects such as financial resources and appearance. Both sides of th
A controversial discussion point is whether hard effort and determination are more important than some factors such as property and appearance to become successful. This writer contended that industriousness and tenacity
People believe being successful is essential for individuals. There is a known belief among some people that hard work and determination are the keys to success in life. However, another group of people think that some e
People think being successful is a crucial characteristic for everyone. There is a common belief among some people that success in life stems from hard work and determination. Nevertheless, another group of people imply
Honestly speaking, this topic is highly challenging to me. However, I still have attended a monument in Vung Tau, Vietnam which has a profound meaning. Now, let's turn into more detail.
Many people believe that effort and discipline play an important role in achieving success in life, while others argue that money and appearance are two aspects that significantly influence one's success. In this essay,
Many people suppose that effort and discipline play as important role in achieving success in their life, while others believed that money and appearance are two aspect affecting to people’s success. In this essay, I wil
At present scenario,competitive landscape, the pursuit of wealth and physical attractiveness has gained increasing prominence. While few argue that success is primarily tied to one's financial status and appearance, othe
Whether achievements in our lives are driven by industrious conscientiousness and determination or influenced by financial factors and outward presentation remains a subject of debate. This writer asserts that success ac
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