IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the recent years , it has become far more popular for people to spend a huge amount of money on entertaining activities such as buying ticket to go to sport competition or to participate in cultural events.
The issue of whether to spend one’s hard earned wages on attending expensive football, rugby or baseball matches or other exclusive diversions as opposed using it more wisely and prudently has become a matter of concern
Nowadays, a number of people have been spending hundreads of dollars a year on tickets for sporting and entertainment events. While there are some who might see this behavior as prejudicial, I believe this development ca
Events have become grand and technologically superior in recent times. Since the early ages mankind has had different ways to be entertained. Some enthusiasts pay a hefty price to purchase tickets in order to witness sp
According to the report of The Times magazine, an average yearly income of the entertainment industry is calculated as 100 trillion US dollars. In this contemporary era, a massive number of the population addicted to ent
It is widely acknowledged that cultural events play an indispensable role in some individual’s life. In order to attend those events some people spend a huge amount of money on tickets. In my opinion, this kind of activi
Nowadays, a large number of people are purchasing tickets for live events involving sports and cultures. This essay will discuss that, this is an overall bad thing as people can get into debt and jeopardize their budget.
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