I want to tell you, why I changed the city and moved in London. It is very simple, as all of you know, I want to become a referee and I do my best. This was most important reason, why I moved from Sandy. This flat is ver
How are you? Hope you are doing fine. We haven't seen you for a while since last year's picnic. I just want to tell you that I moved out from my house to a new place because I was arguing with my landlord about having a
I haven’t heard from you for a while! How are you doing? I want to tell you that I moved to another house so my new address that can see in this letter. I did that because my previous landlord was arguing with me about h
Hope you are doing well! It’s been an incredibly long time! I was overloaded with work, so I didn’t have enough time to write you. Actually, I moved to the other flat a few days ago and due to that I want to arrange a ge