There’s an increasing trend of individuals from various countries getting married later and having lesser number of offsprings.
essay will succinctly explain why financial stability and proper home planning are the reasons why these are rampant.
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, it is not uncommon to hear about folks in other climes getting married at later stages of their lives and having relatively fewer progenies. Linking Words
is because, the quest to become financially buoyant and have the capacity to completely cater for the needs that arise from Linking Words
union is often a priority that must not be overlooked and underestimated. Linking Words
As a result
, more time is spent on garnering enough resources that solidly fortify them and guarantees safe havens for the incoming partners and unborn children. Linking Words
For instance
, folks in Germany would rather wait till they own their homes and have six figure savings before any conjugal commitment. Linking Words
will obviously extend the period it takes to get married, and force them to get hitched later rather than sooner.
Another point to consider, is the fact that, individuals in many societies take household planning with great level of seriousness, that often make them arrive at decisions quite later than usual. Linking Words
For example
, more time is spent discussing issues like family size, size of home, location and the likes. Linking Words
amount of time-real estate, elongates planning, and decisions are arrived at much later periods than usual. Studies carried out by University of Kuala Lumpor clearly explained the link between the increase in marriage down-time in Malaysia and need for financial and household planning. Linking Words
experiment was later corroborated by other South Asian countries. Linking Words
, certain individuals in other climes, take seriously these factors when making their marital plans.
In conclusion, while there are positive consequences of getting married later and having children, like, financial stability and proper household planning, there are Linking Words
certain demerits that should be noted. These include reduced time spent with children, which may lead to less bonding, that, fosters trust between offsprings and parents.Linking Words