Nowadays, the debate whether a sense of competition in children should be encouraged or is it better just to co-operate has caused a ruckus among myriads of students and teachers. Typically, almost everything in our world has its perks yet is overshadowed by its drastic intolerable negative aspects! Those who are in favour of competing believe that it will motivate the children to do their best as they are comparing themselves with others;
ee-claiming that co-operating helps in raising more useful and mature adults. The question is which of both sides of the coin is better?
essay will discuss both views and I will reveal about which side do I belong to.
Extremely biased to my point of view even if I may catch flak from supporters. Regarding
disputatious issue, there is a vast plethora of pros for cooperation.
and foremost, team working is the bedrock of success.
, if a pupil was struggling, because he could not understand a specific question, his classmate would not definitely hesitate to help him. Not only will it create a healthy environment around full of friendship and kindness, but it will
motivate students who get an unsatisfactory score to cope with it achieve better grades. It should be mentioned that
of mocking at him, these helpful classmates should undeniably go the extra mile for him until he reaches to his goal. These are lagniappes that hordes of people, whether 7,17 or 70 will be reluctant to lose.
With emphasis to my opinion, despite the obvious positives, one cannot turn a blind eye on the incontestable negatives. The
and the most salient drawback of competing is that children must have to keep comparing themselves by their classmate which may even cause depression. It cannot be denied that constantly feeling that you are not as perfect as others, you will always lack self confidence and striving to reach to a specific student's level.
, I acquiesce that each person should strive to reach their zenith of success and not to copy anyone.
, unhealthy rivalry can be created.
, if a group always wins, another group may try to push them downwards to get the prize!
To take all points into consideration, I have a resolute unwavering advocate that the merits of cooperation outweigh the benefits of competition, because not only will it ignite their sense of love towards each other, but it will
develop their academic level. On the other side, there is a thorn for every flower so I personally recommend having small competitions among students to be coerced to interact.
ssmates, cooperation is highly voted!