It is often argued that education is required to live our life better. Some people might think that it is significant to learn their home country’s essay rather than studying other nation’s subjects.
focusing on their own country is necessary, I strongly disagree with Linking Words
opinion. Linking Words
essay will address the perspective of studying literature.
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of all, the globalization in modern society. Linking Words
In other words
, all people around the world live the global community because they are able to interact with other country’s inhabitants constantly, so learning own nation’s subjects might look old-fashioned. Linking Words
For example
, when students do not concentrate on the international drama, they are isolated globally because communicating Linking Words
different countries would be a good chance to know their traditional studying which is the good way to be knowledgeable. Suggestion
, young people nowadays might not focus on the outdated education.
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, in spite of the fact that learning home country is needed, it is good for career to study abroad. When people study other nation’s subjects they might have a variety of opportunities to have a job internationally. Linking Words
For instance
, students study abroad, they would have a chance to experience the other country’s culture which is useful and helpful when they interview for a job because they are so experienced through studying abroad. Linking Words
, abroad experiences might help their career to have jobs.
In conclusion, traditional education might need when it comes to studying own culture’s subjects, but we need to encourage people to educate international studying because it is more useful than home country’s literature. Linking Words
, it will be effective to approach other nation’s culture for their future life so they should prepare it in advance.Linking Words